Process Step 2: Define the Segment Scope and Strategic Intent    (3ZI1)

Activity 2.4: Validate and communicate the scope and strategic intent    (3ZI2)

Activity Description:    (3ZI3)

This activity includes packaging and gaining approval of the segment scope and strategic intent from the executive sponsor and business owner(s).    (3ZI4)    (3ZI5)

Activity Inputs:    (3ZI6)

Activity Tasks:    (3ZIA)

2.4.1 Package the scope and strategic intent    (3ZIB)

The architect should develop a package that summarizes the segment scope and strategic intent.    (3ZIC)

2.4.2 Present the scope and strategic intent for approval    (3ZID)

A presentation that includes the segment scope and strategic intent should be prepared by the architect. The architect should conduct a detailed workshop review of these architecture products for the core team. The core team then decides whether to proceed to process step 3 or to refine the segment scope and strategic intent.    (3ZIE)

It is recommended that there be a formal sign-off of the scope by the executive sponsor and business owner. In order to solicit further management support for the segment scope and strategic intent based on the underlying strategic performance improvement opportunities, optional sign-off of the scope and strategic intent should also include other key segment leadership roles such as the performance improvement officer (PIO), chief information officer (CIO), and the change management officer (CMO),    (3ZIF)

Communications Considerations:    (3ZIG)

After the segment scope and strategic intent is approved, the appropriate business and/or technical architects and stakeholders within the organization must be engaged. This may require developing different messages for the various stakeholders to articulate the scope and strategic intent in terms with which the stakeholder is familiar.    (3ZIH)

Activity Outputs:    (3ZII)

Suggested Analytical Techniques:    (3ZIK)

None    (3ZIL)

End of Process Step 2    (3ZIM)

Process Step 3 /Define_Business_and_Information_Requirements    (3ZIN)