FSAM Outputs and Suggested Analytical Techniques (400N)
FSAM also includes a comprehensive toolbox of suggested analytical techniques. These analytical techniques are provided for the outputs of each activity of a process step, as defined in FSAM, and are based on agency best practices that were assessed for inclusion by the FSAWG. (400O)
Within the FSAM, the outputs are generalized and may be satisfied by analytical techniques and best practices, as determined by each agency. The suggested analytical techniques included with FSAM are provided for each output and are designed to satisfy the requirements for developing a complete segment architecture. (400P)
Some outputs are considered “core FSAM outputs.” The “core” designation suggests that the outputs deliver a complete segment architecture, as defined in the OMB EAAF v3.0 reporting requirements. All mappings are based on the data attributes as defined for each output in the corresponding suggested analytical techniques. (400Q)
The methodology also outlines which FSAM outputs, when used with the suggested analytical techniques, either support (S) or are core (C) to satisfying key usage requirements corresponding to strategic planning, capital planning, information technology (IT) governance, EAAF reporting, solution development, and security / privacy. (400R)
The following is a roll-up of all outputs and related suggested analytical techniques for all FSAM process steps. (400S)
Summary of FSAM Outputs and Suggested Analytical Techniques (MS Word Format) (401S)
Relationship Diagram of FSAM Outputs by Process Step (MS Visio Format) (401T)
Process Step 1: Determine Participants and Launch Project (400T)
1.1: Determine the Executive Sponsor (400U)
Activity Outputs: (3YTF)
- Identification of the segment leadership to include affected business owner(s) and a designated executive sponsor (3YTG)
- Governance framework (3YTN)
Suggested Analytical Techniques: (3YTO)
- Link to Governance Framework (MS Word Format) - Department of Justice (DOJ) (3YYL)
1.2: Develop the purpose statement for the segment (400V)
Activity Outputs: (3ZA7)
- Segment architecture development purpose statement (CORE) (3ZA8)
Suggested Analytical Techniques: (3ZA9)
- Link to Segment Architecture Development Purpose Statement (MS Word Format) - Federal Segment Architecture Working Group (FSAWG) (3ZAA)
1.3: Solicit core team member (400W)
Activity Outputs: (3ZAY)
Suggested Analytical Techniques: (3ZB1)
- Link to Core Team Roster (MS Word Format) - Federal Segment Architecture Working Group (FSAWG) (3ZB3)
- Link to Core Team Formation Memorandum (MS Word Format) - Federal Segment Architecture Working Group (FSAWG) (3ZB4)
1.4: Create core team charter and project plan (400X)
Activity Outputs: (3ZBQ)
Suggested Analytical Techniques: (3ZBT)
- Link to Core Team Charter (MS Word Format) - Federal Segment Architecture Working Group (FSAWG) (3ZBU)
- Link to Project Plan (MS Project Format) - Federal Segment Architecture Working Group (FSAWG) (3ZBV)
1.5: Establish the communications strategy (400Y)
Activity Outputs: (3ZCL)
- Communications strategy (3ZCM)
Suggested Analytical Techniques: (3ZCN)
- Link to Communications Strategy (MS Word Format) Federal Segment Architecture Working Group (FSAWG) (3ZCO)
Process Step 2: Define the Segement Scope and Strategic Intent (4018)
2.1: Establish segment scope and context (4019)
Activity Outputs: (3ZET)
- Stakeholders and their relationships (3ZEU)
- Business drivers and mandates (CORE) (3ZEV)
- Segment scope (CORE) (3ZEW)
- Segment context (3ZEX)
Suggested Analytical Techniques: (3ZEY)
- Link to Stakeholder Map (MS Word Format) - Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) (3ZEZ)
- Link to Driver and Policy Map (MS Word Format) - Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) (3ZF0)
- Link to Segment Summary (MS Word Format) - Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) (3ZF1)
- Link to Current Operating Environment Diagram (MS Word Format) - Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) (3ZGW)
2.2: Identify and prioritize strategic improvement opportunities (401A)
Activity Outputs: (3ZGL)
- Stakeholder needs (3ZGM)
- Risks and impacts (3ZGN)
- Performance gaps (CORE) (3ZGO)
- Strategic improvement opportunities (CORE) (3ZGP)
Suggested Analytical Techniques: (3ZGQ)
- Link to Stakeholder Needs (MS Word Format) - Federal Segment Architecture Working Group (FSAWG) (3ZGR)
- Link to Risk Capture Template (MS Excel Format) - Department of Transportation (DOT) (3ZGS)
- Link to Performance Gap Analysis (MS Excel Format) - Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) (3ZGT)
- Link to SWOT Analysis (MS Word Format) - Department of Defense (DoD) (3ZGU)
- Link to Strategic Improvement Opportunities Analysis (MS Excel Format) - Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) (3ZGV)
2.3: Define segment strategic intent (401B)
Activity Outputs: (3ZHP)
- Segment performance goals and objectives (CORE) (3ZHQ)
- Common / mission services target maturity levels (3ZHR)
- Segment architecture vision summary (3ZHS)
- Performance scorecard (CORE) (3ZHT)
Suggested Analytical Techniques: (3ZHU)
- Link to Strategic Alignment of Opportunities (MS Word Format) - Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) (3ZHV)
- Link to Common / Mission Services Maturity Framework (MS Word Format) - Department of the Interior (DOI) (3ZHW)
- Link to Segment Summary (MS Word Format) - Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) (3ZHX)
- Link to Performance Scorecard (MS Excel Format) - Federal Segment Architecture Working Group (FSAWG) (3ZHY)
2.4: Validate and communicate the scope and strategic intent (401C)
Activity Outputs: (3ZII)
- Segment scope and strategic intent presentation (3ZIJ)
Suggested Analytical Techniques: (3ZIK)
None (3ZIL)
Process Step 3: Define Business and Information Requirements (401D)
3.1: Determine current business and information environment associated with strategic improvement opportunities (401E)
Activity Outputs: (3ZKA)
- As-is business value chain diagrams (3ZKB)
- As-is business function model (CORE) (3ZKC)
- As-is Key business process models (3ZKD)
- As-is Key business process swim lane diagrams (3ZKE)
- As-is key information sources and qualitative assessment (3ZKF)
Suggested Analytical Techniques: (3ZKG)
- Link to As-Is Business Value Chain Analysis (MS Word Format) - Department of Justice (DOJ) (3ZKH)
- Link to As-Is Business Function Model (MS Word Format) - Department of the Interior (DOI) (3ZKI)
- Link to As-Is Business Activity Model (MS Word Format) - Department of Defense (DoD) (3ZKJ)
- Link to As-Is Business Process Swim Lane Diagram (MS Word Format) - Department of Justice (DOJ) (3ZKK)
- Link to Authoritative Data Source (ADS) Candidate Qualitative Analysis (MS Word Format) - Department of the Interior (DOI) (3ZKN)
3.2: Determine business and information improvement opportunities (401F)
Activity Outputs: (3ZLK)
- Business and information architecture adjustment profiles (3ZLL)
Suggested Analytical Techniques: (3ZLM)
- Link to Business and Information Architecture Adjustment Profiles (MS Word Format) - Department of the Treasury (3ZLN)
3.3: Define target business and information architecture (401G)
Activity Outputs: (3ZMV)
Suggested Analytical Techniques: (3ZN8)
- Link to Target Business Value Chain Analysis (MS Word Format) - Department of Justice (DOJ) (3ZN9)
- Link to Target Business Function Model (MS Word Format) - Department of the Interior (DOI) (3ZNA)
- Link to Target Business Activity Model (MS Word Format) - Department of Defense (DoD) (3ZNB)
- Link to Target Business Process Swim Lane Diagram (MS Word Format) - Department of Justice (3ZNC)
- Link to Target Conceptual Data Model (MS Word Format) - Office of Personnel Management - Human Resources Line of Business (HR-LOB) (3ZND)
- Link to Target Information Flow Diagram (MS Word Format) - Information Sharing Environment (ISE) (3ZNE)
- Link to Target Data Steward Matrix (MS Word Format) - Department of the Interior (DOI) (3ZNF)
- Link to CRUD Matrix Results Table (MS Word Format) - Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) (3ZNG)
- Link to Target Information Sharing Matrix (MS Word Format) - Department of the Interior (3ZNH)
3.4: Validate and communicate target business and information architecture (401H)
Activity Outputs: (3ZO8)
- Business and Information Architecture Presentation (3ZO9)
Suggested Analytical Techniques: (3ZOA)
None (3ZOB)
Process Step 4: Define the Conceptual Solution Architecture (401I)
4.1: Assess systems and technology environment for alignment with performance, business and information requirements (401J)
Activity Outputs: (3ZPU)
Suggested Analytical Techniques: (3ZPX)
- Link to As-Is Systems and Services Description and Scoring (MS Excel Format) - Department of the Interior (DOI) (3ZPY)
- Link to As-Is System Interface Diagram (MS Word Format) - Department of the Treasury (3ZPZ)
4.2: Define the target conceptual solution architecture (401K)
Activity Outputs: (3ZRB)
- Target conceptual solution architecture (CORE) (3ZRC)
- Target service component architecture (CORE) (3ZRD)
- Target technical architecture (CORE) (3ZRE)
- Integrated service component and technology model (3ZRF)
- Reuse Summary (CORE) (3ZRG)
- Data Reuse (CORE) (3ZRH)
Suggested Analytical Techniques: (3ZRI)
- Link to Target System Interface Diagram (MS Word Format) - Department of the Treasury (3ZRJ)
- Link to Service Component Model (MS Word Format) - Office of Personnel Management - Human Resources Line of Business (HR-LOB) (3ZRK)
- Link to Technology Model (MS Word Format) - Office of Personnel Management - Human Resources Line of Business (HR-LOB) (3ZRL)
- Link to Integrated Service Component and Technology Model (MS Word Format) - Office of Personnel Management - Human Resources Line of Business (HR-LOB) (3ZRM)
- Link to Reuse Summary (MS Excel Format) - Federal Segment Architecture Working Group (FSAWG) (3ZRN)
- Link to Data Reuse (MS Excel Format) - Federal Segment Architecture Working Group (FSAWG) (3ZRO)
4.3: Identify and analyze system and service transition dependencies (401L)
Activity Outputs: (3ZSB)
- Transition recommendation profile (3ZSC)
- Transition recommendation sequencing diagram (3ZSD)
- Recommendation sequencing milestones (CORE) (3ZSE)
Suggested Analytical Techniques: (3ZSF)
- Link to Transition Recommendation Profile (MS Word Format) - Department of the Treasury (3ZSG)
- Link to Transition Recommendation Sequencing Diagram (MS Word Format) - Department of the Interior (DOI) (3ZSH)
- Link to Recommendation Sequencing Milestones (MS Excel Format) - Federal Segment Architecture Working Group (FSAWG) (3ZSI)
4.4: Validate and communicate the conceptual solution architecture (401M)
Activity Outputs: (3ZT5)
- Conceptual Solution Architecture Presentation (3ZT6)
Suggested Analytical Techniques: (3ZT7)
None (3ZT8)
Process Step 5: Author the Modernization Blueprint (401N)
5.1: Perform cost / value / risk analysis to develop implementation recommendations (401O)
Activity Outputs: (3ZUZ)
- Analysis of cost, value and risk for transition options (3ZV0)
- Proposed implementation recommendations (3ZV1)
Suggested Analytical Techniques: (3ZV2)
- Link to Value Measuring Methodology Cost to Value Matrix (MS Excel Format) - General Services Administration (GSA) (3ZV3)
- Link to Draft Recommendation Implementation Overview (MS Word Format) - Federal Segment Architecture Working Group (FSAWG) (3ZV4)
5.2: Develop draft blueprint and sequencing plan (401P)
Activity Outputs: (3ZVQ)
- Strategic systems migration / sequencing overview (CORE) (3ZVR)
- Strategic systems migration / sequencing performance milestones (3ZVS)
- Recommendation implementation sequencing plan (3ZVT)
- Segment architecture blueprint document (incl. sequencing plan) (CORE) (3ZVU)
- Segment Mappings (CORE) (3ZVV)
- Transition Plan Milestones (CORE) (3ZVW)
Suggested Analytical Techniques: (3ZVX)
- Link to Recommendation Sequencing Diagram (MS Word Format) - Department of the Interior (DOI) (3ZVY)
- Link to Implementation Sequencing Plan (MS Project Format) - Federal Segment Architecture Working Group (FSAWG) (3ZVZ)
- Link to Modernization Blueprint (MS Word Format) - Federal Segment Architecture Working Group (FSAWG) (3ZXM)
- Link to Segment Mapping (MS Excel Format) - Federal Segment Architecture Working Group (FSAWG) (3ZXN)
- Link to Segment Transition Plan Milestones (MS Excel Format) - Federal Segment Architecture Working Group (FSAWG) (3ZXO)
5.3: Review and finalize the blueprint and sequencing plan (401Q)
Activity Outputs: (3ZWO)
Suggested Analytical Techniques: (3ZWR)
- Link to Document Review Form (MS Word Format) - Federal Segment Architecture Working Group (FSAWG) (3ZWS)
- Link to Feedback Tracking and Action Report (MS Excel Format) - Federal Segment Architecture Working Group (FSAWG) (3ZWT)
5.4: Brief core team and obtain approval (401R)
Activity Outputs: (3ZXE)
- Blueprint executive summary presentation (3ZXF)
- Approved segment architecture blueprint document (incl. sequencing plan) (3ZXG)
- Record of decision (ROD) (3ZXH)
Suggested Analytical Techniques: (3ZXI)
None (3ZXJ)