Step 1: Determine Particpants and Launch Project    (3YZ0)

Activity 1.2 Develop the purpose statement for the segment    (3YZ1)

Activity Description:    (3Z9F)

It is critical that the business owner(s) and the executive sponsor formulate their intent for the segment architecture development. This purpose statement serves to communicate to the core team the reason why the segment architecture is being created. For example, the purpose statement could be higher citizen satisfaction, lower costs, more efficient operations, addressing a GAO audit, and/or introducing a new service to citizens.    (3Z9G)

In some cases, the purpose statement can be a high-level statement of principles. In other cases, the purpose statement might be a more detailed listing of objectives and expected areas to consider. This is the opportunity to establish why this segment architecture is important and what its implementation should accomplish.    (3Z9H)

The purpose statement is particularly important for segments that span multiple organizations and have multiple business owner(s). In these instances, a purpose statement established at the start of the project provides clarity for the individuals in multiple organizations that will be participating in the project. As different organizations typically have different motivators and mandates, the establishment of a purpose statement provides clarity for the working-level project participants and establishes a common expectation across affected organizations.    (3Z9I)    (3Z9J)

Activity Inputs:    (3Z9K)

Tasks:    (3Z9V)

1.2.1 Discuss the business challenges facing each business owner    (3Z9W)

A facilitated session is an ideal way to extract from the business owner(s), which topics or issues are the highest priority. In most cases, there will be several prominent, sensitive issues to arise from this facilitated session. It is important to determine the pressing issues so that the architecture can be developed to address what the business owner(s) finds important. Issues to consider should include the overall factors driving the prioritization and selection of the segment architecture development effort that may include agency strategic plans, policies, executive orders, legislation, budget priorities, and available PART and PAR program assessments.    (3Z9X)

FTF Touch Point: FTF Usage Guide, Sec. 3.1: [The] FTF Catalog includes both mandatory and informational initiatives. Mandatory initiatives must be included in agency enterprise architecture and the agency EA Transition Strategy, and agency alignment with these initiatives is assessed as part of the annual EA assessment process.    (3Z9Y)

1.2.2 Synthesize the common business challenges across the business owners    (3Z9Z)

In most cases, the business owners will have very similar issues or priorities. The fact that the business owners operate within the same segment means a high probability that the business owners face common challenges. However, whether there is immediate consensus or not, the business owners need to focus on the issues or priorities that they face in common so that the core team has a primary focus and does not expend time assuming what areas the segment leadership want addressed.    (3ZA0)

1.2.3 Communicate how segment architecture could assist with common business challenges    (3ZA1)

The facilitator of the session should communicate to the business owner(s) how the concept of segment architecture can assist with solving the prioritized issues or challenges from the previous task. This is a good opportunity to communicate how architecture is actionable … meaning that architecture can be used to solve real problems and spur meaningful action within the segment. For instance, the segment architecture can help with process optimization, improved information sharing, improved use of investments, or better formulation of services to citizens.    (3ZA2)

1.2.4 Formulate the purpose statement    (3ZA3)

The purpose statement should be a succinct but meaningful articulation of the major challenges or issues that the business owner(s) would like to see addressed within the segment architecture. This purpose statement will be the guiding document for the core team as it develops the segment architecture. The purpose statement should also be direct enough to ensure that the core team develops an actionable segment architecture.    (3ZA4)

Communications Considerations:    (3ZA5)

As previously noted, engaging the segment leadership can be difficult to schedule. It is often possible to leverage pre-existing governance team meetings that the segment leaders are members of in order to conclude this activity. This activity can be completed together with the previous activity during the same meeting, if possible.    (3ZA6)

Activity Outputs:    (3ZA7)

Suggested Analytical Techniques:    (3ZA9)    (3ZAB)

Next Activity: 1.3 /Solicit_core_team_members    (3ZAC)