Process Step 1: Determine Participants and Launch Project (3YSI)
Activity 1.1: Determine the executive sponsor (3YSJ)
Activity Description: (3YSK)
This activity begins with an overall definition of the segment governance structure. In particular, it is critical to identify up-front a comprehensive governance framework for creating and sustaining the segment architecture when developing segment architectures that span multiple agencies. This also leads to the definition of the business owner(s) for the segment who must understand the planning and resource commitments associated with developing the segment architecture. A business owner is typically a senior agency official with executive decision making authority within the segment. (3Z91)
Once the business owner(s) have a high level understanding of the planning concept and resource commitments, then they are ready to discuss the selection of an executive sponsor. Note that in many cases, the executive sponsor and business owner may be the same individual or an obvious choice rendering the tasks within this activity irrelevant. However, in cross-agency initiatives, there may be several business owners involved from several organizations and it is helpful to designate an executive sponsor. (3Z92)
An executive sponsor should be just that – an executive who is willing to sponsor and champion the concept of transformation within the segment. The executive sponsor will be a visionary leader for the core team and will play a key decision making role in determining the direction and scope of the segment architecture findings and recommendations. The executive sponsor is in a decision-making role and should therefore be a senior official with the authority to make decisions within the segment. (3Z93)
During this activity, the business owner(s) should also be educated on the segment architecture process. This education can include formally meeting with the business owner(s) of the segment to communicate how their resources will be used in developing the segment architecture. This education can be used to set expectations up front so that the appropriate executive sponsor and core team can be selected. (3Z94)
Activity Inputs: (3YSQ)
- List of affected organizations and their business owner(s) (Strategic plan and organization chart) (3YSR)
- Agency strategic plans (3YSS)
- Agency policies (3YST)
- Executive orders Legislation (3YSU)
- President’s Budget (3YSV)
- Preliminary list of affected PART measures (3YSW)
- Preliminary list of affected PAR measures (3YSX)
Tasks: (3YSY)
1.1.1 Identify the segment governance framework (3YSZ)
The governance framework should identify the key roles for the segment architecture development (business owner, executive sponsor, and core team) and show the relationships to existing governance bodies that may have operational oversight over the delivery of segment mission services. This may also include specific cross-agency governance teams that will own and maintain specific layers of the segment architecture through to the implementation of solutions that support the overall segment target state vision as established by the segment architecture. (3Z95)
The governance framework articulates the relative accountability and authority for decision-making, ensures a consistent and well-defined approach for decision-making, provides a mechanism for adjudicating disagreements or differences in perspective and provides a definition of roles and responsibilities to ensure performance measures are met. While the roles and responsibilities of each committee in the governance framework are described in the governance framework, many existing governance bodies will likely have existing governing charters that establish overall authority, roles and responsibilities, and decision-making processes. (3Z96)
The governance framework should also be designed so as to ensure that the factors driving the overall prioritization of the segment architecture development are adequately represented (e.g., agency strategic plans, policies, executive orders, legislation, budget priorities, and the PART and PAR program assessments). (3Z97)
1.1.2 Communicate to business owner(s) the role of the executive sponsor (3YT3)
It is important to educate the business owner(s) on the role of the executive sponsor. Some executive sponsor candidates might be more qualified than others are based on the time and leadership requirements of the position. Optimally, the executive sponsor will provide visionary leadership and play an active role in shaping the direction of the segment architecture. Note that the executive sponsor should be a leader from within the mission area, not an architect or an IT professional (unless the segment is an IT specific segment). (3Z98)
Overall, an executive sponsor should have the following characteristics: effective communicator, senior executive, talented leader, respected within the affected organizations, visionary, good political skills, energetic, and excited about opportunities for transformation. (3Z99)
1.1.3 Determine the most appropriate executive to be executive sponsor (3YT6)
There are positive and negative aspects to being the executive sponsor for a segment architecture development. The most significant positive is to be in a position of leadership for this planning effort. The leadership position allows a unique opportunity to shape the future of the segment. The most significant negative is the dedication of time to the effort. The executive sponsor will need to be current on the actions and recommendations of the core team. As previously mentioned, in many segments, there is just one business owner and that business owner would typically be the executive sponsor. In these cases, these tasks are not relevant. If however the segment includes multiple organizations, the business owner(s) from each organization should select the executive sponsor. In most cases involving multiple organizations within the same agency, there is a senior executive who is the natural choice to be the executive sponsor. Note that in cases involving multiple agencies, there could be several senior executives at peer levels. In these cases, it is important to designate an executive sponsor that will be representative of the segment, not a single specific organization. (3Z9A)
Note that one of the business owner(s) may volunteer to be the executive sponsor. If there is only one volunteer, then the executive sponsor role can be considered filled. In many cases, the affected business owner(s) should come to consensus on designating the executive sponsor. (3Z9B)
Considerations for Enterprise Services: (3YT9)
An enterprise service segment will typically require a governance framework that includes representation of all affected organizations / sub-agencies that will be affected. (3Z9C)
Considerations for Business Services: (3YTB)
A business service segment will typically require a governance framework that includes cross- cutting representation of affected organizations and business functions. (3Z9D)
Communications Considerations: (3YTD)
Engaging the business owner(s) can be difficult to schedule. It is often possible to leverage pre-existing governance teams that include these leaders in order to conduct this activity. This activity can be accomplished in one meeting with the business owner(s). (3Z9E)
Activity Outputs: (3YTF)
- Identification of the segment leadership to include affected business owner(s) and a designated executive sponsor (3YTG)
- Governance framework (3YTN)
Suggested Analytical Techniques: (3YTO)
- Link to Governance Framework (MS Word Format) - Department of Justice (DOJ) (3YYL)