Process Step 2: Define the Segment Scope and Strategic Intent (3ZGY)
Activity 2.3: Define segment strategic intent (3ZGZ)
Activity Description: (3ZH0)
This activity, which results in the segment strategic intent, consists of reviewing the prioritized strategic improvement opportunities and developing the language to describe the target state vision, goals, outcomes, performance indicators, and the target product(s) and/or service(s) target maturity levels. (3ZH1)
Note: If this is a common service segment, business scenarios may be defined at this point to describe the strategic improvement opportunities and clarify the vision of the segment. (3ZH2)
In addition, the segment scope is collated with the outputs developed within this activity to produce a comprehensive document which summarizes the overall segment scope and strategic intent. This document is the final output of process step 2 and is validated and approved (or rejected) by the business owner(s) and/or the executive sponsor. (3ZH3)
Activity Inputs: (3ZH5)
- Stakeholder needs (3ZH6)
- Risks and impacts (3ZH7)
- Performance gaps (3ZH8)
- Strategic improvement opportunities (3ZH9)
Activity Tasks: (3ZHA)
2.3.1 Describe segment target state vision (3ZHB)
With a firm understanding of the prioritized strategic improvement opportunities, the core team develops a simple one-page graphic illustrating the target state vision for the segment (e.g., Target OV-1). The illustration should be a high-level description of the proposed operating environment—including planned changes to stakeholder interactions, business processes, information sharing, applications, and technology—to address the strategic improvement opportunities. This graphic is meant only to illustrate the target state and will be enhanced by additional analysis in subsequent steps. Additional variations of the graphic should be developed throughout the segment architecture development process. The graphic should be complemented by a summary vision statement describing the target operating environment and its linkage to the respective business drivers and mandates. (3ZHC)
2.3.2 Establish segment’s strategic performance (3ZHD)
Strategic performance measures how a segment supports the strategic goals of the agency. The purpose of the segment performance is to create a reporting framework to measure how well the activities and investments within a segment are performing. Performance metrics may cover a wide range of systems, technologies, processes, activities and outcomes within a segment. A successful segment will be able to demonstrate a line of sight from IT Investment performance up to strategic success. Segment line of sight is developed by gathering metrics from many layers that are aligned to a common purpose. This line of sight will show strategic performance that is supported by segment performance that is supported by program performance that is supported by investment performance. (3ZHE)
This task includes establishing the performance scorecard, which focuses on providing a complete picture of Segment performance from the highest level of strategic performance down to business and investment performance to measure the success in achieving the segment goals and vision. (3ZHF)
Note: When developing the performance scorecard, not all performance indicators, measures, and metrics may be known at this point. Subsequent process steps may identify additional indicators, measures, and metrics through which the segment will be measured. (3ZHG)
Performance indicators are structured according to the FEA PRM to ensure the segment has a balanced set of outcomes. These performance linkages will enhance understanding of the success the implementation of the segment architecture has had on the organization(s). (3ZHH)
2.3.3 Identify target maturity levels for common / mission services (3ZHI)
The in-scope common or mission services have been identified within the context of the vision for the segment. In this case, services refer to the high-level end services delivered to the stakeholders and customers. These services often encompass multiple FEA service domains, types, and components. This task establishes the target maturity levels that will contribute to achieving the segment vision while aligning to the segment strategic performance. With the establishment of these maturity levels, the strategic performance architecture has been completed and forms the foundation to which the business and technical performance must align. (3ZHJ)
This is a key task in that the maturity levels that are defined here will be the targets through which business and investment improvement opportunities identified in subsequent process steps will ultimately align. (3ZHK)
2.3.4 Document the strategic intent (3ZHL)
Consolidating the segment vision, key performance indicators, measures, metrics, and common / mission target maturity levels into the segment strategic intent provides a clear line of sight to the inputs, outputs, and outcomes, and understanding of the performance goals of the segment. The subsequent process steps are leveraged to identify how the business and/or investments will contribute to achieve the performance goals of the segment. (3ZHM)
Communications Considerations: (3ZHN)
Identification of the target maturity levels for common / mission services may require that key stakeholders or subject-matter experts be consulted to identify existing maturity levels. (3ZHO)
Activity Outputs: (3ZHP)
- Segment performance goals and objectives (CORE) (3ZHQ)
- Common / mission services target maturity levels (3ZHR)
- Segment architecture vision summary (3ZHS)
- Performance scorecard (CORE) (3ZHT)
Suggested Analytical Techniques: (3ZHU)
- Link to Strategic Alignment of Opportunities (MS Word Format) - Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) (3ZHV)
- Link to Common / Mission Services Maturity Framework (MS Word Format) - Department of the Interior (DOI) (3ZHW)
- Link to Segment Summary (MS Word Format) - Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) (3ZHX)
- Link to Performance Scorecard (MS Excel Format) - Federal Segment Architecture Working Group (FSAWG) (3ZHY)