Process Step 5: Author the Modernization Blueprint    (3ZWW)

Activity 5.4: Brief core team and obtain approval    (3ZWX)

Activity Description:    (3ZWY)

In this activity, a formal presentation of the segment blueprint is made to the core team, business owner(s), and executive sponsor, after which the decision to approve the segment blueprint is recorded either as a separate signed document or in the form of published meeting minutes. Any issues that arise during the final review are addressed and closed as needed. The formal presentation may also be accompanied by an executive overview document describing the need for the transformation and a summary of the analysis of findings, transition options and implementation recommendations. Once this activity is complete, the executive sponsor, business owner(s) and core team can move forward with gaining approvals from the broader business community and capital planning governance teams such as the Investment Review Board (IRB).    (3ZWZ)    (3ZX0)

Activity Inputs:    (3ZX1)

Tasks:    (3ZX7)

5.4.1 Distribute final review materials    (3ZX8)

The finalized segment blueprint is distributed for review to the core team, business owner(s) and executive sponsor. Accompanying this distribution is a cover letter that describes the highlights of the blueprint. A separate executive summary document may also be provided for review.    (3ZX9)

5.4.2 Conduct review and obtain approval    (3ZXA)

A formal review meeting is scheduled and conducted to obtain formal approval of the blueprint by the core team, business owner(s) and executive sponsor and a record of decision is created to document the decision.    (3ZXB)

Communications Considerations:    (3ZXC)

Once approved, the executive sponsor should be prepared to present the blueprint to other governance teams for additional approval as may be required.    (3ZXD)

Activity Outputs:    (3ZXE)

Suggested Analytical Techniques:    (3ZXI)

None    (3ZXJ)

End of Process Step 5    (3ZXK)

Back to Main Page for the FederalSegmentArchitectureMethodology    (3ZXL)