Process Step 5: Author the Modernization Blueprint    (3ZTA)

Step Description and Purpose    (3ZTB)

The Author the Modernization Blueprint step is the culmination of the process for creating a segment architecture blueprint including the segment architecture sequencing and transition plan. The step begins with the identification and categorization of findings and the definition of associated transition options that address segment performance improvement opportunities and implementation of the performance, business, data, and conceptual solution architectures developed in process steps 2, 3 and 4. Transition options are a set of one or more alternatives for transitioning from the as-is to the target state. Transition options are analyzed for cost, benefit and risk in order to develop implementation recommendations. These implementation recommendations consist of validated transition options related to the findings and, ultimately, segment performance improvement opportunities. Taking into consideration logical and discretionary dependencies between the implementation recommendations, these recommendations are prioritized to develop a sequencing plan that provides the basis for developing the modernization blueprint. Figure 1 provides an overview of the development and sequencing of implementation recommendations.    (3ZTC)    (3ZTD)

Figure 1: Overview of development and sequencing of implementation recommendations    (3ZTE)

The draft modernization blueprint and sequencing plan is developed and undergoes a structured review process with the core team. The review process also helps obtain buy-in to the implementation. As reviewer feedback is received, comments and change requests provide the basis for finalizing the modernization blueprint and sequencing plan.    (3ZTF)

The segment architecture blueprint is finalized and formally presented for approval to the executive sponsor, business owner, and core team. Once the segment architecture blueprint and sequencing plan are approved, the executive sponsor, business owner, and core team are prepared to move forward with gaining any additional approvals of the broader business community and capital planning governance teams (such as the Investment Review Board) as necessary. An approved blueprint is ready for overall integration into enterprise transition planning, as well as to move forward into the implementation processes associated with investment management, solution architecture development, and system lifecycle management.    (3ZTG)

Note that suggested analytical techniques are included for activities within the methodology to better define what is core for a complete segment architecture in the form of descriptive (not prescriptive) guidance on how to accomplish the analysis. The suggested analytical techniques provide guidance as to what outputs are core for defining a complete segment architecture.    (3ZTH)

Step Outcome    (3ZTI)

The outcome of this step is a series of validated implementation recommendations described in a detailed, actionable segment architecture blueprint supported by holistic analysis of segment business, data, technology, and service components. The executive sponsor, business owner, and core team have reviewed and approved the blueprint and sequencing plan for target architecture implementation.    (3ZTJ)

Step At-a-Glance    (3ZTK)    (3ZTL)

Step References    (3ZTM)

Value Measuring Methodology: Highlights, Federal Chief Information Officer (CIO) Council Best Practices Committee, October, 2002.    (3ZTN)

Value Measuring Methodology: How to Guide, Federal Chief Information Officer (CIO) Council Best Practices Committee, October, 2002.    (3ZTO)

Activity Details    (3ZTP)