Writers' First Review Draft: (2V99)
Term (2VR6)
Factoring (2VR7)
Origin/Source for Inclusion of the Term (2VR8)
Service Components Sub Committee (2VR9)
OMB Context Definition (2VRA)
Reference/URL OMB Context Definition (2VRB)
Business Definition (2VRC)
Deciding what belongs on a shared boundary (2VRD)
Reference/URL for Business Definition (2VRE)
Ira Grossman (2VRF)
Technical Definition (2VRG)
The process of determining what properties and methods belong on an interface. In general, you should group a few closely related functions in an interface. Too many functions make the interface unwieldy, while dividing the parts of a feature too finely results in extra overhead and diminished ease of use. (2VRH)
Reference/URL Technical Definition (2VRI)
Factoring Interfaces, “Visual Basic and Visual C# Concepts, Interface Definition and Factoring Design Considerations” http://msdn.microsoft.com/library/default.asp?url=/library/en-us/vbcon/html/vbconDefiningYourOwnInterfaces.asp accessed June 29, 2005 (2VRJ)
Context Definition 1 (2VRK)
Reference/URL Context Definition 1 (2VRL)
Context Definition 2 (2VRM)
Reference/URL for Context Definition 2 (2VRN)
Context Definition 3 (2VRO)
Reference/URL for Context Definition 3 (2VRP)
See Also Related Terms (2VRQ)