CEW-76 Breakout Session - Discussion Group Two (404H)
Collaborative Expedition #76, Tuesday, September 16, 2008 at NSF - Strategic Leadership For Networking and Information Technology Education (404I)
To be discussed: (404J)
- What Works? (404K)
- What Doesn't Work? (404L)
- What do We Need to Create? (404M)
- What do We Need to Know? (404N)
Participants: (404O)
Focus: Computational Thinking (407P)
What Works? (407Q)
- A great deal of uncertainty about what it is. More concrete examples needed. (407R)
- Algorithms, data analysis elements (407S)
- Abstraction, good design, critical thinking, logic – applied across a wide variety of disciplines (407T)
- Perhaps able to do things you could not have conceived of before (407U)
- Can teach CT concepts without expensive curriculum (407V)
- Logic and manipulatives – many ways to do this, robots (407W)
- Computing mind approach (book) – Masuda -- think tank from Japan, notion of information society (407X)
What Doesn’t Work? (407Y)
- Not necessary to focus solely on programming (407Z)
- Computational foundation across disciplines most valuable (4080)
What do We Need to Create? (4081)
- Enhance people’s ability to problem solve (4082)
- Too much data, too many decisions (4083)
- Formal and informal experiences at all ages, fundamental as needed in K-12 education (4084)
- Important skill for the information age – need formal methodologies and education for all students (4085)
- Knowledge of CT skills to be woven into courses and experiences (4086)
What do We Need to Know? (4087)
- Does CT include elements of feedback thought? – ex, driving car, hunger, controlled process (biological) – ubiquitous (4088)
- Can we train people to mimic this behavior? (4089)
- Modeling of phenomena- mental toolkits to solve problem (408A)
- Is CT just thinking – or is there no thinking without computation? (408B)
- Where is CT going? What is unique about CT (say from mathematical thinking, logical thinking, etc)? (408C)
- Massive amounts of data – ways to deal with it - making reasonable decisions based on masses of data (408D)
- Cultural aspects – access issues, what capacity might be needed to teach this in developing countries, what belief systems might be fundamental (408E)
Discussion Notes: (404R)
- ... (404S)