CEW-76 Breakout Session - Discussion Group Five (405H)
Collaborative Expedition #76, Tuesday, September 16, 2008 at NSF - Strategic Leadership For Networking and Information Technology Education (405I)
To be discussed: (405J)
- What Works? (405K)
- What Doesn't Work? (405L)
- What do We Need to Create? (405M)
- What do We Need to Know? {nid 405N} K-12 (408N)
Participants: (405O)
- Jeff DeMatteis (40AQ)
- Frankie King (40AR)
- Robert McGahern (40AS)
- Gerald Mora (40AT)
- Thomas Tate (405P)
Focus: K-12 NIT Education (405Q)
What works? (408P)
- School and district buy-in. (408Q)
- Hands-On Student Ownership. (408R)
- Expertise and needs of the Agency. (408S)
- Inclusion and coordination with both the Education Departments and Economic Development. (408T)
- Support teacher papers. (408U)
What does not work? (408V)
- One size doesn't fit all (408W)
- Trying to force support on a school. (408X)
- Lack of Trust from educators (408Y)
- Non-sustainable funding. (408Z)
- Inadequate technology for kids to use (rather than watch someone do a demo) (4090)
- Avoid creating or continuing the stove-pipe mentality in schools (4091)
What do we need to Create (Apply)? (4092)
- How do we use existing technologies that kids are aware of to support the learning experience? (4093)
- Cyber space research and peer collaborations Ð link communities via a common project such as growing a research garden. (4094)
- Leverage technologies that are in schools ie Pinpoint WeatherNet for cyber collaborations. Trust. (4095)
What do we need to Know? (4096)
- Political climate when to come; when to back offs (4097)
- Community Interest and individuyal interests (4098)
- Teacher baseline (4099)
- Most science classes are really science history without dates (409A)
- Many science teachers do not know math Ð Many math teachers do not know science (409B)