Breakout Group Four (3YZJ)
- What Works? What Doesn't? What Needs to be Created? What Do We Need to Know? (3YZK)
Distributed / collaborative software development (3Z23)
Both tools development and using existing tools (3Z24)
Dave Fisher (3Z25)
Create – Developed requirements (3Z26)
Security? (3Z27)
John Simms (3Z28)
State Department (DoS) – like many other organizations is stove piped. The challenge for DoS moving forward, revolves around how to share information with american as well as foreign citizens, government to government, and government to business (worldwide), and provide robust security to protect network services and assets. (3Z38)
OpenSource development framework - NSA flask (open source locations of tools) is being provided to provide alternatives to the mainstream vendors. This initiative can save money and provide an ideal industry standard based infrastructure that is vendor agnostic. (3Z29)
Do inventory (3Z2A)
Ben Kobla (3Z2B)
NASA data access to all centers (3Z2C)
Single users sign on issue (3Z2D)
Accuracy of data (results confidence) (3Z2E)
Owen Amber Data reference model (department of the interior) Enterprise license (3Z2F)
potential collaborative – document goals objectives (3Z2G)
Amy Magnus USAF (3Z2J)
Alex Cohen Federation of American Scientists How do you get people to collaborate. (3Z2I)