Expedition Workshop (CEW#64) 14-Aug-2007 Breakout Group One (Remote) (3NCO)
Team members: (3NBH)
Our Discussion Topic: "Scenario 3. Informal communities from many settings building trust and creating agreements to share data and tools" (3NBW)
- what makes workable communities ... what are the critical success factor? (3NBY)
- what makes communities thrive ... sustainable (socio-technico factors) (3NBZ)
- two kinds of communities (3NC7)
- the flickr, youtube, del.cio.us, wikipedia type community - broader audience, where utility is holding the community together), and (3NC8)
- the Community of Practice (CoP) or Community of Interest (CoI) - where the interest and focus is much narrower, where the subject of interest and the need to learn from one another is what holds the community together. (3NC9)
- two kinds of communities (3NC7)
- Challenges (3NCA)
- reward system still favors competition rather than collaboration (3NCB)
... back to the workshop discussion module. (3NCN)