- What Works? What doesn't Work? What do we need to know? What do we need to create? (3M5E)
- this is hard (3M77)
- firefox, apache (3M78)
- niche undercapitalized, large is outsourcing (3M79)
- several organizations self-sustain through entire process - VISTA could learn from this - growing pains of VISTA (3M7A)
- Can't support GPL license because is doesn't support sustainable commercial model (3M7B)
- What are experienced for sustainable open source organizations (3M7C)
- gov't seed funding (3M7E)
- few successful examples in gov't. (3M7G)
- always lead and lags (3M7H)
- devil in details to get this right (3M7I)
- not sw on the cheap (3M7J)
- just writing OS is insufficient (3M7K)
- community design methodology was important - for conjoint business modeling exercises (3M7L)
- best looks like best commercial (3M7M)
- from open source to open access to open development environments (3M7N)
- atlruism not business model for os /sustainability (3M7O)
- data-sharing (CaBIG) between agencies (3M7P)