Collaborative Expedition Workshop #79, The Science of Science Policy (40WJ)
Theme Three: Using the Science of Science Policy to Address National Priorities, Session One, December 17, 2008 (40WK)
- 8. What impact does science have on innovation and competitiveness? (40X9)
- 9. How competitive is the U.S. scientific workforce? (40XA)
- 10. What is the relative importance of different policy instruments in science policy? (40XB)
- We can say the we need to competitive. But if we don't have an instrument that provides funding -- it has to be a tool that channels things -- then all of the other things are just a conversation. (412E)
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- Underlying science is what drives innovation. (412J)
- What is the difference between invention and innovation? (412K)
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- Why do we have competitiveness as a value? (412O)
- Should we focus more on collaboration than competetiveness (412P)
===== (412Q)
- Are we putting out the best product at the best value? (412R)
- That's what we mean by competitiveness. (412S)
- As we move into a global economy with this recession, so yes, we need more collaboration. (412T)
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- Maybe science policy should be geared more towards being collaborative? (412V)
- How about the idea being "precompetitive"? (412W)
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- We assume that a marketplace brings out the best in us. (412Y)
- Pre-competitive collaboration. (412Z)
- In a competitive environment, there are winners and losers. (4130)
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- Stovepipe vs. Windchime (4135)
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===== (413A)
- Dangers of collaboration with China (413B)
- Collaboration in a non-trusted environment can be risky. (413C)
- Advanced technology program. (413D)
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- Forking in open source communities. (413F)
===== (413G)
- How competitive is the US scientific workforce? (413H)
- Does this include scientists, engineers, what? (413I)
===== (413J)
- The knowledge economy will lead us forward. (413K)
- Intellectual manufacturing. (413L)
- We use this as a crude measure (413M)
- Measurements: (413N)
- Perhaps, watching green (413R)
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- How do you move from a manufacturing economy to an information economy. (413T)
- How do you retrain those people? (413U)
===== (413V)
===== (413Y)
===== (4141)
- Ideology has been hands off lately. (4142)
- The new ideology is very hands on. (4143)
- The idea that we are becoming socialist is nothing new. (4144)
- The best economic models right now are capitalist-communism. (4145)
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- Startup scene perhaps is on a 3 month time window. Out for 3 months and you miss it. (4147)
- However, in turns of long-term support of engineeering, science, it requires a systematic effort. (4148)
- Competitiveness over time. (4149)
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- I've seen a degradation of the DOE labs over time (414B)
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- Exxon bought out the above patents -- because they were a threat to the existing business model. (414J)
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===== Reconvene at 1:30 pm (414N)
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- Is the "science" aspect of S&T policy for: (414P)
- selling it to policy makers (414Q)
- innovation (414R)
- Does the science of science & technology policy actually drive innovation? (414S)