Attendees of the Software Components Workshop - Tue May 11, 2004 (CX)
On Site: (at NSF) (CY)
- BrandNiemann (CZ)
- SusanTurnbull (D0)
- PaulBarrett (IB)
- TomBeckman (IC)
- NekeiaBell (KE)
- LaytonClay (KF)
- KenCottrell (IG)
- JanaCrowder (IJ)
- WilliamDeSalvo (IK)
- JeffElkner (IL)
- WarrenEllmore (IM)
- StephenFerg (IN)
- MarilynFleming (IP)
- MarkFrautschi (IQ)
- PatrickHeinig (KG)
- MartinHudson (IX)
- ReneeHughes (IY)
- JohnHuth (IZ)
- DonImhoff (K2)
- RichKilmer (J4)
- StanleyKlein (J5)
- AndrewKuchling (J6)
- KennyLew (J8)
- RogerMaduro (J9)
- DavidMayo (JA)
- MichaelMcLay (JC)
- MichaelMorton (JE)
- RichardMurphy (JF)
- AlanNegin (JG)
- JohnNoulin (KH)
- AlexPavlak (JK)
- KarenPerry (JM)
- PaulPocialik (JN)
- JeffreyPoulin (JO)
- DaudSantosa (JR)
- GeorgeThomas (JT)
Virtual Attendance: (D1)
- PeterYim (from San Mateo, CA) (D2)
- LeisaSchievelbein (J1)
- MeiLinFung (J2)
- ShirleyTseng (J3)
- DavidQuimby (JY)
- MarceloHoffman (JZ)
Expected to Attend (D3)
- BrianBall (IA)
- ReynoldsLCahoon (ID)
- BrentCarlson (IE)
- BruceColletti (IF)
- RonCote (IH)
- BruceCox (II)
- SteveFinucane (IO)
- GregFrey (IR)
- PeterGallagher (IT)
- MichaelGorham (IU)
- CharlesHenry (IV)
- MichaelHillman (IW)
- DawnLeaf (J7)
- ZoeMcDonald (JB)
- DanaMoore (JD)
- DougOates (JH)
- PatriciaO’Grady (JI)
- SteveOesterle (JJ)
- BradPederson (JL)
- MarkRaiffa (JP)
- JamesRyan (JQ)
- DaveTesno (JS)
- ElizabethVelo (JU)
- VladVinogradsky (JV)
- JohnWalsh (JW)
- MarcWine (JX)