Sept. 18 Planning Notes and Draft Scenarios for Collaborative Expedition Workshop #71, March 2008 (3P2M)
Draft title: Broadening Participation With Cyberinfrastructure: Toward Stakeholder-Centered Science and Engineering in the Public Realm (3QJN)
- Seeing in the Future, a Future that Transcends What has Passed (3P2O)
- Being Able to Discern What's Best About the Old Way and the New Way (3P2P)
- Being Individually Accountable for the Course of Actions Evoked by this Process Relative to Purpose (3P2Q)
- Explore the current and future contributions of Emerging Technology Life-cycle process and Strategy Markup Language (StratML) (3PVY)
- Explore (3PVZ)
- NSF Cyberinfrastructure Projects (3PW0)
- models of successful funding (and how to institutionalize them) (3PW1)
- lessons from developing federal standards (3PW2)
- SOA development (3PW3)
- best CIO practices (3PW4)
- Service-Oriented Architecture (new paradigms) (3PW5)
- Narrative of Knowledge Claims, User-generated Content (knowledge Artifacts), knowledge diffusion through social networking (3PW9)
- Implementing standards across government -- consider Architecture Principles for the US Government ... principle #3. Let's get together with EPIC and related standards-focused CoPs and organizations to discuss this (3PWC)
- Collaborative efforts to reduce Global Warming and Global Dimming
Socio-cultural influences related to Science (3PWD)
- collaboration tools, leverage use of non-profit associations/societies, Non-Profits as speakers (3PWA)
- Leverage non-profit societies and associations (3QJM)