Sept. 18 Planning Notes and Draft Scenarios for Collaborative Expedition Workshop #69, Jan. 29, 2008    (3P2C)

Draft Title: Transcending Socio-Cultural Boundaries in Virtual Work Settings: Creative Collaboration Efforts At the Intersection of Law and Public Policy    (3PKC)

Goals    (3P2D)

  1. Seeing into the Future of Creative Collaborative Efforts, a Future that Transcends What Has Passed    (3P2E)
  2. Acting in the Present, What Concrete Steps Are Presently Possible Toward This Future    (3P2F)
  3. Being Individually Accountable for the Course of Actions Evoked by this Process Relative to Purpose    (3P2G)
  4. Opening Up Dialogue around Business/ Public Policy/ Legal Narratives that also addresses socio-cultural boundary challenges including: multilingual, multicultural    (3PKD)
  5. Sustainability of Documentation: Records Management and The Preservation of Records of Collaboration over time    (3PKE)
  6. Potential contributions from software engineering techniques – fine grained recording of “Who did what” transparency (at the code level)    (3PKF)
  7. Potential contributions from other disciplines including: Ontology, Knowledge Management, Information Modeling for physical buildings, etc.    (3PKG)
  8. Explore the current and future contributions of Emerging Technology Life-cycle process and Strategy Markup Language (StratML)    (3PVV)