Sept. 18 Planning Notes and Draft Scenarios for Collaborative Expedition Workshop #69, Jan. 29, 2008 (3P2C)
Draft Title: Transcending Socio-Cultural Boundaries in Virtual Work Settings: Creative Collaboration Efforts At the Intersection of Law and Public Policy (3PKC)
- Seeing into the Future of Creative Collaborative Efforts, a Future that Transcends What Has Passed (3P2E)
- Acting in the Present, What Concrete Steps Are Presently Possible Toward This Future (3P2F)
- Being Individually Accountable for the Course of Actions Evoked by this Process Relative to Purpose (3P2G)
- Opening Up Dialogue around Business/ Public Policy/ Legal Narratives that also addresses socio-cultural boundary challenges including: multilingual, multicultural (3PKD)
- Sustainability of Documentation: Records Management and The Preservation of Records of Collaboration over time (3PKE)
- Potential contributions from software engineering techniques – fine grained recording of “Who did what” transparency (at the code level) (3PKF)
- Potential contributions from other disciplines including: Ontology, Knowledge Management, Information Modeling for physical buildings, etc. (3PKG)
- Explore the current and future contributions of Emerging Technology Life-cycle process and Strategy Markup Language (StratML) (3PVV)
- Legal World meets Virtual Work World: What are the emerging best practices that best unleash creativity in the workplace, in light of new applications including wikis, blogs, and Web 2.0 applications (3PKI)
- Explore Greater Collaboration and Transparency in Providing Access to The Workings of Government (3PKJ)
- Documenation and Access Issues in an Electronic Age, (3PKK)
- Recognition of the Assault on Privacy (3PKL)
- How to do lightweight semantics to help integrate disparate information sources and aid in access and discovery, without re-engineering the way you produce content for the web? How to make connected knowledge practical? (3PKM)
- Explore how to make readily available: (3PKN)
- Authoritative versions of existing policies, regulations, and legal procedures currently in place (3PKO)
- "Collective wisdom" version of new policies in a manner that enables opportunities for suggested improvements, harmonization across boundaries and creation of "synthetic" documents for easier comparison and constrast across institutions (3U1G)
- Goverance mechanisms to broaden common understanding of multi-faceted aspects of national/ global challenges and accelerate discovery of exemplary practices. (3PKP)
- Narratives around Knowledge Claims and availability of knowledge artifacts with sufficient integrity around provenance / completeness (3U1H)
- Explore role of virtual work envrionments and knowledge diffusion through wikilawyering, blogging, social networking, and utilizing Web 2.0 applications (3U1I)
- Timeliness of the Spread of Knowledge (3PKS)
- Jason R. Baron, Director of Litigation, NARA, "Musings on Social Media and The Public Sector Lawyer: Challenges and Opportunities" (3U1K)
- Jay Brudz, Senior Counsel for Legal Technology, General Electric Co., Fairfield, Conn. (confirmed) (3U1L)
- Richard Graham, Chief Compliance Counsel, Pension Benefit Guaranty Corporation (3U1M)
- Paul Wester, Director, Modern Records Management Program, NARA (3U1N)