Sept. 18 Planning Notes and Draft Scenarios for Collaborative Expedition Workshop #66, Oct. 23, 2007 (3P0Q)
- Seeing in the Future, a Future that Transcends What has Passed (3P0S)
- Being Individually Accountable for the Course of Actions Evoked by this Process Relative to Purpose (3P0T)
- Seeing from the Past New Ways of Working Together Creatively for the Future (3P0U)
- Add Organizing Workshops (3PF0)
- Explore Extended Asynchronous Online Meeting, video collaboration (3PFD)
- What is Role of Computation of Reputation, Combinatorial Analysis? (3PF2)
- Acquisitions, Activity-Centered Collaboration, Security and Collaboration (3PG2)
- How do we learn from the past and transcend it through: Leadership, Knowledge Management, Rich Media, Second Life, Simulations? (3PG9)
- What is the emerging role of Social graphs - (3PG3)
- Open Standards are vital, need a great deal more emphasis on this, especially open standards that facilitate machine speed extraction, translation, and linkage (3PFE)
- Given that Environmental Change –> changes in behavior –> toward or away from healthy environment/ behaviors...How can we create the conducive envrionments needed to draw upon relevant information from the past to inform expectations about the future? (3PFF)
- How can we integrate information and outcomes from collaboration with day-to-day transactional systems. Most people use some form of transactional system to do their work. It is often difficult to integrate new or dynamic information quickly to that. To locate relevant information, people have to "leave their work" and seek information. What are the alternatives? (3PFN)
- What is persistent from electronic records of collaboration? Conversations evolve, but the electronic record can be accessed non-linearly, particularly via search. Is it a criteria-setting/archiving issue - differentiating between process and conclusion? Or is it a usability issue - sign-posting for the user where they are in a process and how to easily get to key summary points? (3PFL)
- Explore parallels today with Port cities, known for trading across diverse peoples, cultures, languages -> developed light-weight exchange mechanisms, i.e. pidgin English that supported speed, agility, and credible agreements needed (3PG6)
- Explore Disaster Assistance Scenario (3PFP)
- Citizen Participatory Journalism - Ohmy News - International - Motto: Every Citizen is a Reporter; now 60,000 citizens world-wide from 100 countries (3PGA)
- Buzztracker: World News, Mapped (3PGB)
- Contributing role of Many eyes? (3PG7)
- World Usability Day is Nov. 8th, 2007. Focus is on usability in healthcare and health informatics. Is there something that can be done that ties to this event either in October workshop (to contribute) or afterward in November or December workshops (drawing from the outputs of the international usability community) (3PG8)
- Urgently need collaborative toolkit on a flash drive; objective is to allow any individual, anywhere to be online at no cost using a borrowed computer with their own programs and data on the flash drive. (3PFH)
- Explore Timeliness of Knowledge Sharing, Health Informatics, Emergency Management, Health Care Delivery (3PFG)
- What are the contributions of Communities of Practice, Wikis, Blogs, Web 2.0 to new modeling and simulation of disaster assistance scenarios? (3PFI)
- Aarhus Convention - UNECE Convention on Access to Information, Public Participation in Decision-Making and Access to Justice in Environmental Matters (3PFQ)
- Building bridges among sciences and process, narrative knowledge, that support multiple input modalities (visual, auditory) and learning/ cognitive styles (3PFR)
- Barcamp Community Wiki - Barcamp is an ad-hoc gathering born from the desired for people to share and learn in an open environment. It is an intense evenet with discussions, demos, and interactions from partcipants. (3PFT)