Collaborate Expedition Workshop #16, August 13, 2002    (418E)

Potentials and Realities of People-Centric Computing    (418F)

Workshop Purpose: To explore the Potential and Realities of People-Centric Computing.    (418G)

What Heuristic Techiques are Emerging to Tap the Power of Collaborative Problem-solving and Software Development? What Happens When Individuals Can Work Across Institutional Boundaries to Address Societal Challenges? How does this "Swarm Intelligence" of Self-Organizing Human Agents Sustain the Productivity of Multi-Enterprise Improvement Initiatives?    (418H)

9:30 AM - Coffee    (418I)

9:55 AM - Welcome and Introduction - Envisioning Greater Possibility: Collaborative Expedition Workshops    (418J)

SusanTurnbull, GSA and GeorgeBrett, Internet2    (418K)

10:15 AM - Origins of People-Centric Computing    (418L)

Augmenting Human Intellect: Douglas Engelbart's Framework,Karl Hebenstreit, GSA, For further reference, see the People-Centric Computing links folder    (418M)

10:35 AM - Incorporating Accessibility into Enterprise Architecture (EA) Frameworks, Bill Shackleton, Consultant to Canadian Treasury Board, From Data-Centric to People-Centric Computing    (418N)

11:25 AM - Using EA Frameworks to Make Mobile Computing Work -- For People, Douglas Wells, The Open Group,, Impact of Supporting Mobile Workers on EA Frameworks    (418O)

12:15 PM - UA-Exp: The Next-Generation QuickPlace and SameTime Environment, Kimberly James, IBM/Lotus ,    (418P)

1:00 PM - Lunch/Networking - Who is Here? Who is Missing from this Dialogue? Future workshop explorations?,(bring your own bag lunch or RSVP for sandwich & beverage at $8.00 cost/person)    (418Q)

Networked Improvement Communities for Interdependent Process Improvement    (418R)

2:00 PM - Integrated Development Planning and Standards-Based Software, Louis Waldeck, South Africa, Tools for Enhancing Intergovernmental Cooperation    (418S)

2:40 PM - DC SPIN and Integrated Product Teams(IPTs), Jonathan Addelston,, Washington DC SPIN and Integrated Product Teams    (418T)

3:15 PM - SourceCast: A Collaborative Development Environment, Michael E. Kochanik,, A Collaborative Development Environment based on Open-Source Technologies & Practices    (418U)

4:00 PM - Adjournment - Workshop presentations, resources, and member information are at: and    (418V)