Collaborative Expedition Workshop #15    (41FF)

July 16, 2002    (41FG)

Potential and Realities of an Innovation Diffusion Commons    (41FH)

Purpose: To explore the Potential and Realities of an Innovation Diffusion Commons. Information tools are now ubiquitous and closely connected to the quality of life, safety, and prosperity of individuals and their communities. How can innovators use digital production technologies, such as searchable webcasts, to accelerate learning exchange among diverse individuals and communities? How are societal advances amplified when Open Source codes the Scientific Method?    (41FI)

9:30 AM - Coffee    (41FJ)

9:55 AM - Welcome - Susan Turnbull, GSA and 'George Brett'', Internet2    (41FK)

10:00 AM -Webcasting Overview: Dynamic Learning Tool for Today, Richard Maynard, Booz Allen & Hamilton    (41FL)

10:40 AM - Instant Access for Knowledge Management: Breaking the "spell" of Spelling it Right, Antoinette Purdon, Instant Index, Inc.    (41FM)

11:20 AM - Practicing Enterprise Architecture Deployment with the Barriers Down: Innovation Diffusion from the VoiceXML and US Blue Pages Pilot, Brand Niemann, EPA    (41FN)

12:00 PM - Current State of the Rapidly Evolving Streaming Media Market, Dave Gardy, Chairman and CEO,, Inc.    (41FO)

12:40 PM - Who is Here? Who is Missing from this Dialogue? Future workshop explorations?    (41FP)

1:00 PM - Lunch/ Networking (bring your own bag lunch or RSVP for sandwich & beverage $8.00 cost/person)    (41FQ)

2:00 PM - Open Source Codes the Scientific Method: Evolution of the Open Source Software Institute and it's Cooperative Research and Development (CRADA) Relationship with the Naval Oceanographic Office, Stennis Space Center, John Weathersby, Chairman, Open Source Software Institute, John Lever, CIO, Naval Oceanographic Office, NAVOCEANO,Andrew Aitken, Olliance Consulting Group, Rick Jones, Intel Corporation, Ron Ray, Hewlett-Packard Company    (41FR)

4:00 PM - Adjourn    (41FS)