Potentials and Realities of Identity Management Landscape for Convergence and Service Oriented Architecture (3GOG)
Participant Purposes (3GOH)
- How can info become auditable (3GOL)
- applications on ID re: education, tracking (3GOM)
- enterprise security architect (3GON)
- federated ID mgt (3GOO)
- ID for veteran and militar - integrate worlds (3GOP)
- Internet 2 - Shibboleth, etc. (3GOQ)
- KM Jet Propulsion Lab (3GOR)
- giglite - from Navy - TAB, TAPE (3GOS)
- architecture of the enterprise - go beyond IT (3GOT)
- data analysis, visualization - tension identity, security, privacy balancing (3GOU)
- digital data group - Strategic Plan for Scientific Data - including ID, Security, etc. (3GOV)
- ID for facility based mgt - mobile pt population - security, privacy (3GOW)
- federated ID pilot (3GOX)
- E-authentication efforts - pulling all the pieces together (3GOY)
- definition and pieces to created roadmap (3GOZ)
- OSERA and Citizen Privacy Service - formal logic approaches (3GP0)
- ID within SOAC (3GP1)
- record matching, pt. indexing (3GP2)
- end to end landscape - policy, all-threat enviornment, find the commonalities (3GP3)
- OASIS - identity framework for user-centered identity (3GP4)
- 508 accessibility - opportunity for user-appropriate interfaces (3GP5)
- DNI CIO SOA team (3GP6)
- health care and pt ID - how it all fits (3GP7)
- integration with apps (3GP8)
- federation of ID mgt systems - DoD, interop with first responders, ad hoc environment (3GP9)
- scouting (3GPA)
- HSPD-12, GSA ID mgt (3GPB)
- learning expedition (3GPC)
- usability + how communicate ID (3GPD)
- integrating ID into SOA (3GPE)
- privacy, confidentiality - e official personnel folder (3GPF)
- XML CoP, progress update, manage own ID (3GPG)
- User attribute to systems, ontolgy for authorizing users (3GPH)