Draft Breakout Session Summary, Workshop #34 (2WH)
Other Good Ideas - MarkFrautschi, editor (2WI)
1. JIT - "Just In Time" approach as a viable complement to Best Practices, increasingly relevance in times of change. Instead of making the investment to identify the Best Practice, improvise, or identify something that is "plenty good enough" and move on, and save that investment. Particularly for non-recurring instances, this may be much closer to optimal. As an example, say I have data formatted for one database that needs to be moved - once - to another database. Do I write and debug a program to do it, or do I cut and paste? (2V0)
2. Need to show how the IT is related to the business of the agencies. Key to this is understanding the business needs. [General value far beyond original context. -editor] (2V1)
3. Don't need CEO to [know? -editor] how IT will be done. Need to work with business side to understand what they need and how it needs to be provided, and a capability to turn their "business" information into my "IT" information. (2V2)
4. Backbone is a big issue. [As in "Having a stiff backbone." -editor] There are no policies that tell management what they have to do. Those who write policy refuse to write policies that tell the boss what to do. (2V3)
5. Open Source, Intuitive, visualization of demographic data (2V4)
6. How to view an enterprise: How do we guarantee consistency and coherency of the four views? {nid 2V5} (2X2)
a. Operational view - what you do, data, etc. (2V6)
b. Resource view - what enables you to do it. People, facilities, IT, Costs. (2V7)
c. Mandates view - why you do it. Laws, standards (2V8)
d. Planning view - AS IS, TO BE, Migration strategy. Budget. Life cycle management (different half lives of above views) - hysteresis & agility. (2V9)
8. Open standards are good or necessary, depending on the enterprise and its scale and coupling. For a tightly coupled enterprise, open standards are not necessarily good, for a loosely coupled enterprise, they are essential. [i.e. the TCP/IP standard and the Internet as the ultimate "loosely coupled organization." - editor] (2VB)
9. Go only to the level of detail appropriate to answer the problem. (2VC)
10. Danger of overcredentialing? I think this and #11 was a reference to credentials and certifications cannot replace common sense. We haven't yet been able to certify common sense. [Please provide additional explanation or delete. -editor] (2VD)
11. Misuse of certification requirements? [Please provide additional explanation or delete. -editor] (2VE)
12. Dynamics of change "ages" practices faster -- certification value degrades. (2VF)
13. It should serve stakeholders!!! [Please provide additional explanation or delete. -editor] (2VG)
14. Always start with this question!! [Please provide additional explanation or delete. -editor] (2VH)
15. An example from health care is that the data repository should serve all stakeholders at any time, at low cost. Health policy makers are considering the cost of effectiveness of the health electronic record - how much does it cost and how much does it serve our patients. When there is a question about a disease or certain case, then you should be able to click and retrieve the info quickly. The repository should serve all stakeholders at any time, at low cost. (2VI)