Collaborative Expedition Workshop #51, Tuesday, June 20, 2006 at NSF (35KC)
Open Collaboration: Networking Geospatial Information Technology for Interoperability and Spatial Ontology (35KD)
- As promised time to ask follow up questions from presentations (35KE)
- Also there may be more questions on the W-Th workshop. (35KF)
- Several presenters (Leslie, Joshua, David Li etc.) discussed next steps and the relation of these might be interesting. (35KG)
- Harmonizing GEO vocabulary …, expand ontologies? (35KH)
- Leslie’s strategy overview slide: (35KI)
- Establish a geo data coding service…. (35KJ)
- Enhance GOS and Related GOV-wide tools. (35KK)
- Interoperability and standards (35KL)
- What’s the balance of semantic technology in SW and sw? (35KM)
- What have we learned about the GS web and steps to build it? (35KN)
- Is a simple functionality – a “pull” strategy good - make GS data available w/o solving deeper semantic problems ? Any improvements on or counters to this strategy – harmonize neats and scruffies…. (35KO)
- What semantic relations are used in the various models discusses? Fixed core set of a dynamic set? (35KP)
- What are Target Architecture services? (35KS)
- Interoperable GS Ontology (35KT)
- Jerry’s hypothesis on building aan OWL space ontology straight forward to do? (35KU)
- Building Block idea – too simple, but useful? (35KY)
- Structure of OWL Space effort is perhaps a structure that can be commented on an elaborated over the next 2 days. (35KZ)
- (35L0)
- Jerry’ s list of GS “requirements”: size – granularity etc. could almost be a checklist of capabilities. Would it be useful to create such a list or does it already exist? (35L1)
- Is the Semantic Wiki a Tool for organizing, managing/storing Geospatial Information / Models / Ontology and other things? (35L2)