Design Workshop to Frame National Dialogue on Intelligent Information Use in Manufacturing and Implications for e-Government - Sep. 14, 2004 (30K)
Attendance (30L)
Expecting (30M)
- On Site at NSF (Ballston, VA) (30N)
- AdrianWalker (31M)
- AlexanderMorgan (31N)
- AlexPavlak (31O)
- BrandNiemann (31P)
- BruceCox (31Q)
- ChrisPowell (31R)
- GeorgeHazelrigg (31S)
- GeorgeStrawn (31T)
- JasonCoughenour (31U)
- JulieBelindo (31V)
- KarenKaye (31W)
- KarlHebenstreit (33P)
- KassKassebaum (31X)
- KatherineGoodier (31Y)
- KennethHoffman (31Z)
- KhershedCooper (320)
- LeoReddy (321)
- MarcBrooks (322)
- MarcWine (323)
- MarkFrautschi (324)
- MichaelBraton (325)
- PatrickHeinig (326)
- PeterYim (327)
- ReneeHughes (328)
- RobertaShaffer (329)
- RussellRuggiero (32A)
- ScottGilkeson (32B)
- SkGupta (32C)
- SteveRay (32D)
- SusanTurnbull (32E)
- SuziIacono (32F)
- TedTaylor (32G)
- TerryHynes (32H)
- TomMerkle (32I)
- WilliamSmith (32J)
- ZhiLongChen (32P)
- ZoeMcDonald (32K)
- Remote Particpation (see details here) (30P)
CoP for a Continuing Dialogue (30R)
If you are interested to participate in a continuing dialogue on the subject in a virtual community of practice setting, please sign up below by providing your name and e-mail address (30S)
- SusanTurnbull - (30T)
- PeterYim - (30U)
- (add your name here) (335)