What are the Potentials and Realities for the Kind of Dialogue that Could Lead to More Citizen-Centric Services?    (12T)

Who is the Citizen? How do we operate really? Importance of common language    (17Y)

Organizing government data and resources so citizens could get to the truth of what they were looking for.    (17Z)

Emerging, response, adaptive government - then you're creating the government    (180)

Individual level - How can government ask citizens first before deciding what the government will get?    (181)

Reality There are good resources also We didn't complete this process    (182)

ARTWORK:    (18W)

Drew a picture of a door that is the entryway to the "Department / Ministry of Safe Spaces for Dialogue and Innovation"    (18X)

Drawing - A Door opening from existing reality as a gateway into the potentials    (183)

How does government be a safe place for dialogue and innovation? Can we turn this around with some technology as an enabler?    (184)



Sarah Cogan; Cogan Group Solutions; worked w/ Pentagon rennovation program construction teams, 'storming to norming' from crisis management mode to normal operations, wonderful caring talented people who want to get better, privledged to work with them. Mark made confirmation to connect on what's positive about Sarah's work w/ the Pentagon re-construction team.    (18F)

Jana Crowder; Noblestar Systems Corporation; history of leveraging core business to keep lights on, with sidebar of co-creating innovative solutions with clients so solve their tough business problems including process and culture changes, as well as supporting technologies, policies, practices etc.    (18G)

Tom Tate; USDA; shop that he leads is the Economic & Community Systems, charter is exactly what this meeting is about today, improve quality of communications between citizens and their government so that the public investment better matches the needs of the locall community, environmental, econiomic, social conditions. Cross-agency activity, works w/ every department in the Cabinet. Includes things like 4-H clubs, after school programs, etc.    (18H)

Janice Solomon; Program Analyst w/ Nat'l Cancer Institute w/ NIH; "e-Health Express" portal to help scientists (medical researchers meet and collaborate in online workshops to help them learn to put together grant applications, SBIR is used.    (18I)

(Facilitator) Mark Frautschi; passionate about interaction between human and technology, bringing organizations together to innovate, he sees innovation possible in process of SBIR, ongoing process of FEA, electronic government, etc. One of his purposes is to have sustainability in his life: job, income, career, match w/ his gifts and focus - which is gov't solutions.    (18J)

Jim Stockmal; Bearing Point, 3 weeks, he is part of a solutions practice that is to cut across all of the client groups, size is about $100million in business, small team, wants to create new way to develop strategies for new government leaders, fast-start for these newly placed folks in their new positions.    (18K)

Ruth Keating-White; was at SSA where she was frustrated by the walls between parts of the organizations, silos, lack of real communication, her last few yesars she became involved in training in KM, this became her passion along with communities of practice; works as a volunteer w/ Federal Connections 'federalconnections.org' to document some of the COPS in gov't and share information about what the COPS are doing, link them together.    (18L)


Ruth - dialog between gov't and citizens whereby gov't leaders set example of open listening where all do not have to have the same agendas, route out hidden agendas, truth-telling, minimal propoganda, she does not know statistics on discrepancies that are exposed from politicians but knows these dialogues are occuring (gave example about how entrepreneurs are discussing health care insurance in a public forum), how to encourage civil public debate for the masses versus special interest.    (18N)

Jim - fulfilling the vision of our founding fathers of gov't by people for people, individual families can select services they need the most, call to service, illumination of the tyranny of the 'OR,' create emerging programs versus predefined programs made by gov't agencies, adaptive system, complexity thinking    (18O)

Sarah - sees the theme of workshop as being broad so as to be easily misunderstood or misinterpreted, common language would improve ability to deliver services, use language that is commone to most citizens, getting ride of 'phone trees' and bringing people back into the provision of solutions, proposes english as the common language and 'layman's' terms as the preferred version of english    (18P)

Jana - citizens involved in creating gov't, asked for input on requirements, data aggregated, votes taken on desires; not including everything (for instance, leadership required for some decisions where democratic decisions may be impossible or counter to America's best interests as a whole - space exploration, international relations, taxation, etc.)    (18Q)

Tom - process of capturing local community assets and liabilities (assets & liabilities are descriptive conditions of infrastructure, expertise of citizenry... anything that can be brought to bear in local, state, or national service)    (18R)

Janice - gov't websites easier to decipher, aggregated better instead of too many conflicting solutions available, too many gov't acronyms (gov't iniative called 'plain language'), Mark - Voice of America has a program called 'simple english' that has a vocabulary of 1,500 words whereby nearly anything American's need to discuss can be expressed), usability testing needs to include ways to measure customer satisfaction with accessing the desired subject matter as well as technical usability    (18S)

Mark - making the gov't safe for innovation and curiosity, agendas of stakeholders are not antithetical to this ideal, would be more fun to work for the gov't and citizens would get bettern service, making innovation and curiosity a norm of the gov't culture as a continuum    (18T)

REALITIES TO FACE (bad and good):    (18U)