What are the Potentials and Realities for the Kind of Dialogue that Could Lead to More Citizen-Centric Services? (12S)
Team: Marsha (facilitator), ReneLewis (scribe), ... (reporter), ..., AlBuckmaster (from Atlanta, GA), PeterYim (from San Mateo, CA) (17L)
- ... (insert input here) ... (17M)
- PeterYim's input: (17N)
- major Potentials for improving that dialog (from the perspective of the entrepreneur) (17O)
- encouraging Open Virtual Enterprises (OVE) (keywords being "open" and "virtual") (17P)
- Let's empower the Fishnet Organization -- these are temporary (or semi-permanent) hierarchies, that emerge out of the CoP's, which capitalize on distributed capabilities to achieve specific purposes; when those purposes are achieved (or the opportunities no longer exist), they disband, back into the pool of resources (people, knowledge, skillsets) in CoP's where they come from. (17S)
- major Potentials for improving that dialog (from the perspective of the entrepreneur) (17O)
Source: Upsizing the Individual in the Downsized Organization: Managing in the Wake of Reengineering, Globalization, and Overwhelming Technological Change by Robert Johansen, Rob Swigart (1994, Addison-Wesley, ISBN 0-201-62712-4) (1NZ)
- sense of responsibility (185)
- our collective perspective is a means of influence (186)
- government must know how to listen (187)
- Media - responsibility to communicate facts - needs to be better (188)
- Think globally, acting locally (189)
- Think locally, act globally - understand cultural and language differences (18A)
G-Pls Knock (1AS)
C -Where? (1AT)
G-Anywhere. (1AU)
C -knock, knock, knock (1AV)
G No, NOT THERE! (18B)
Can you help me? Yes, and if we can't figure it out - we'll sit down and figure it out. (18C)
Atlanta technology challenged test (18Z)