Return to Collaborative Expedition Workshop, Jan. 23, 2007 (3E2Z)
Break Out Group 4 - Organizing February 27 Collaborative Expedition Workshop: Potentials and Realities of SOA-based Identities Management (3E30)
- Participants (3E3F)
- PeterYim (3E3G)
- JoiGrieg (3E3H)
- SusanTurnbull (3E3I)
- MichelBiezunski - IRS maintenance of subjects over time as the names change (3E3J)
- unable to participate, but participating in workshop planning: RichardMurphy, AnneAnderson (3EGA)
- Possible workshop topics/themes (3EGB)
- Liberty Alliance - privacy (3E3K)
- Standards (3E3L)
- Policy (3E3M)
- Longitudinal efforts/integrity (3E3N)
- Opportunity to compare notes - agencies (3E3O)
- what is a name, individuals, associations (3E3P)
- Semantic space for naming - could include locations (3E3Q)
- role-based and location-based (3E3T)
- resources from other countries (3E45)
- Possible sessions (3E3U)
- XACML (3E3V)
- Federated IT (3E3W)
- I-names (3E3X)
- Topic Maps -IRS (individual, group) (3E3Y)
- Liberty Aliiance vs. MS Passport Network (3E4H)
- general ID-management landscape (3E4I)
- e-passport - links to HSPD 12 (3E3Z)
- cac card - DoD (3E40)
- moving agencies -contractors, employee (3E41)
- someone to paint the general landscape - broad strokes (3E46)
- global framework - technical perspective -Steve Newcomb (3E47)
- academic front (3E48)
- credit card industry (overcoming phishing) (3E4C)
- "people" definition - working with Data Architecture SC (3E4J)
- check (3E4K)
1. What Works? (3E1C)
2. What Doesn't Work? (3E1G)
- Doctors being able to satisfy credential requirements across states during disaster relief, i.e.Hurricane Katrina (3E3E)
3. What Needs to be Created? (3E1K)
- Broader understanding of stakeholders regarding landscape and where are we now? apps? state of adoption? (3E3R)
4. What Do We Need to Know? Who should we follow up with? (3E1O)
- Tying this to SOA - what are the definitions or the roles, credentialing - think of a first responder situation? (3E42)
- Who needs to know what? (3E43)
- How are unfamiliar people added to a community in a first responder setting? (3E44)
- What role-based /identity-base security standards should we be looking at (3E1P)
- Tying this to SOA - what are the definitions or the roles, credentialing - think of a first responder situation? (3E42)
- Who needs to know what? (3E43)
- How are unfamiliar people added to a community in a first responder setting? (3E44)
- Who should we follow up with? (3EGE)
- XRI/XDI, I-Names, OpenID - Drummond Reed (Cordance; co-chair of OASIS XRI/XDI TC), Les Chasen (Neustar) and PeterYim (CIM3) (3E4F)
- check with MITRE - Lee Ellen Frieland (3E4E)
- Susan will check with FDIC (3EGC)
- industry - Eve Maler (Sun Microsystems, Liberty Alliance) (3E49)
- Jeff Jonas - IBM (3E4A)
- Jeremy Warren - DoJ - Federated ID management (biometrics - fingerprinting - biometrics) (3E4B)