Building Public Code Commons (41EM)
June 18, 2002 (41EN)
Workshop Purpose: To explore the Potential and Realities of Building A Public Code Commons: Open Source, Section 508, and Beyond. As information tools become ubiquitous and closely connected to the quality of life and prosperity of individual people, individual communities, and individual countries, a more engaged, active role for people, communities, and countries in the creation of these societal tools must emerge. Societal technologies insufficiently flexible to accommodate connection-making activities among all members adversely affect the whole of society. How is the peer production model of open source contributing to a new societal organization form? How can citizens at risk become co-designers of societal communication networks? (41EO)
9:30 AM - Coffee (41EP)
9:55 AM - Welcome - Susan Turnbull, Sr. Program Advisor, GSA and George Brett, Chief Information Architect, End-to-End Performance, Internet2 (41EQ)
10:00 AM - Earth's 911: Building Blocks for a Public Code Commons Over the Past Decade: Principles of Chaordic Organizations and Open Source, Chris Warner, President, (41ER)
10:40 AM - Section 508 Overview, Craig Holcomb, National Security Agency (41ES)
11:20 AM - Open Source and Section 508: Introduction to GNOME Accessibility Framework, Marc Mulcahy, GNOME Team, Sun Microsystems, Inc. (41ET)
12:00 PM - GNOME: Building Blocks for Peer Production Networks, Nat Friedman, one of the founders of GNOME (41EU)
12:40 PM - Who is Here? Who is Missing from this Dialogue? (41EV)
1:00 PM- Lunch/ Networking (bring your own bag lunch or RSVP for sandwich & beverage $8.00 cost/person) (41EW)
2:00 PM - Open Source, Section 508, and Beyond: What Works Today, Janina Sajka, Director, Technology Research & Development, American Foundation for the Blind (41EX)
2:40 PM - Open Source and Section 508, Jeremy Hogan, Community Relations Manager, Red Hat (41EY)
3:20 PM - The Mozilla Project, Frank Hecker, (41EZ)
4:00 PM - Adjournment -Workshop presentations, resources, and member information are at: and (41F0)