Brenda - DoE website for best practices - (271)
- Bill - work w/ CIO of EOP (272)
- Mike - GSA, Office of Applied Science, PBS (expert systems, KM) (273)
- Rick - Independent Consultant, Sun certified (274)
- Warren - Pres. Everware - EA component-based development (275)
- Susan - GSA, Office of Intergovernmental solutions, ET Subcommittee (276)
- Brand - EPA, CIOC activities (277)
1a. Purpose - (278)
- Improve performance, consistency, harvest good knowledge, reduce risk, faster better, cheaper - like patterns community - glean out garbage - (279)
- people like working from a proven place (27A)
- Who are ultimate users? professional groups, anyone with a need, person resonsible for the service delivery (citizen as ultimate beneficiary) (27B)
- VA's example could be adapted to other settings. (27C)
- User is consumer of best practice. (27D)
- For example, GSA supported FEMA for Hurricane Andrew -could help at this time. (27E)
- ???Using auditing to determine performance levels example: 9/11 report urged by the families. (27F)
- Consumers can drive bp - IRS egov is driven by taxpayer complaints (27G)
- BP is middle ground and tested by the courts (27H)
- funnel - things drop through the filter (27I)
- CADE - taxpayer records system - obstacle to change and too big (280)
- Who deems when something is a best practice? Market and Legislative as drivers (29O)
- BP are embedded in larger processes (27J)
- funnel - some things come out as bp or eventually standards (27K)
- just-in time BP is now becoming problematic (281)
- the transaction costs (entry, training, etc.) have been too great so far to provide collaboration tools (282)
- projects spend all the resources to deliver the product but not the lessons learned (e.g. best practices) (2823)
- different levels of support for CoP (29P)
- people can't find the BPs readily- go it alone (29Q)
- From experience with CoP on Semantic tehnology - can get definitive answers faster (29R)
- Need taxonomy for your repository (29S)
- How to reduce transaction costs that lead to benefits? (29T)
- Organizing, people, content, and web site at the same time (29U)
- CoP is the means for retaining currency over time (29V)
- CoPs have existed for a long time (29W)
- the value of an informal structure (29X)
- Need credibility of "asset" to be ascertained (29Y)
- feedback process - for product, process - can see their experience with the tool - once the credibility tips - more join in (29Z)
- Portland Patterns Repository (2A0)
- What is the pedigree? (2A1)
- worked on interagency committee for 5 yr., reduced 400 elements to 40 elements - not called a CoP at the time (2A2)
- process needs to be open to vet new capabilities quickly (2A3)
- BP of governance model? Can't bless as an absolute. Here's the experience and the success level - learn from and "borrow" from, while adapting to your needs (2A4)
- Repository and Networking as the process (2A5)
- Using Popkin tools - better gap analysis (2A6)
- 1-A-1 Leverage ???, Faster, Better and Cheaper; Improve Performance (2HY)
- 1-A-2 Service Providers, those responsible for improvement, professional guilds, decisionmakers (2HZ)
- 1-A-3 Look for exising systems before start, a ???, and especially when clueless on how to proceed, collaborate with other groups to achieve better outcomes (2I0)
- 1-B-1 They foster each other, mutually reinforcing, peer group review, bring BPs & CoPs out of isolation, light of day exposes a lost of forest/trees distinctions. (2I1)
- 1-B-2 Market drivers, legislation, regulations, complexity, pace of technology, emergencies, ongoing critical needs (2I2)
- 1-C No need for re-invention of baseline needs/requirements, where mature CoPs can implement BPs more timely, means to classify, consensus (2I3)
- 2-A Soltuions, efficient delivery systems /push/pull and information that fits into opportunities to improve, agreed upon answer - conceptual, physical, ideological , concrete search mechanism (2IW)
- 2-B Good - obvious improvement over status quo - saves time/money (2IX)
- 2-d XML schema design, design pattern, GSA PBS Best Practices website, sustainable development (indicators, hits) (2J2)
- 3-A Solution Exchange, CoPs & Ontology experts, intellectural property experts, user groups, meta models, foram a CoP around the knowledge (2J3)
- 3-B CoPs develop detailed taxonomy, metamodel based on open std. CoP based evaluation & "Best of" classifications, consolidation & interoperability within a virtual repository using center of expertise & networking within a stds framework (2J4)
- 4 action oriented by major topic areas, open dialogue (2J5)