Contextual Background from the Network of Communities of Practice, 2005 - 2006 (8ZT)
In 2005 - 2006, we have been exploring the Potentials and Realities of Creating Public Information Environments that Strengthen Citizen-Government Relationships we asked many questions: (30SW)
- How can Communities of Practice build the capacity needed for shared understanding and governance around new mission responsibilities for data stewardship and sharing? (30SX)
- How can shared understanding around several select, urgent cross-boundary scenarios be accelerated? (2TU2)
- What is the role of collaborative prototyping around emerging technology potential, in light of the FEA's Data Reference Model? (2TU3)
- How can emerging standards-based protocols (RDF, OWL, Topic Maps) improve collaboration around problem-centered, intergovernmental scenarios? (30SY)
- How will citizen-centered performance measures emerge from this multi-stakeholder, multi-jurisdictional process? (30SZ)
- How can the openness and freedom that characterizes sound public information environments, become a stabilizing fulcrum as contractual social interactions (activities of exchange, payment, evaluation, and institutional advancement) evolve to reflect diverse priorities of communities? (30T0)
- What conditions facilitate interaction and participation among citizens and their governments world-wide? (30T1)
- How can the FEA Reference Model Ontology evolve to provide the common frame of reference needed to support diverse communities tune up together around their information sharing capacities? (2TU4)
- How can the shared understanding that emerges contribute to broad adoption of the Federal Enterprise Architecture? (2TTX)
- How do communities learn how to organize in order to understand the business context for resolving semantic conflicts? (30T2)
The President's Management Agenda (PMA) requires all federal agencies to transform the roles and relationships among people, process, and technology in order to become a citizen-centered government. The PMA emphasizes bringing value and results to citizens, businesses, and government workers by "reducing the burden" and producing measurable improvement. (2TTY)
The Federal Enterprise Architecture Reference Models are now an important collaborative organizing process to promote the delivery of effective, efficient services. (30T3)
The Data Reference Model v2.0 seeks to define the data (including sharing, stewardship and provenance) associated with government services and information-sharing. The DRM is: (30T4)
- The FEA mechanism for identifying what data the Federal government has and how it can by shared in response to a business/mission requirement. (30T5)
- The frame of reference to facilitate Communities of Interest (which will be aligned with Lines of Business) toward common ground and common language to facilitate improved information sharing. (30T6)
- Guidance to implementing repeatable processes for sharing data Govenment-wide. (30T7)
By networking among Communities of Practice through open workshops and the CoP open forums shared goals and joint actions are being advanced. (30T8)
Participating Communities of Practice include: (30T9)