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Enterprise Architecture Glossary of Terms Version 1.0 (under development) (2PSR)
- Application (2STC)
- Application Programming Interface (API) (2UBR)
- Architecture (2STE)
- Architecture Framework (2STF)
- Architecture, Application - (Application Architecture) (2STG)
- Architecture, Component - (Component Architecture) (2TH9)
- Baseline Architecture - (As Is Architecture) (2TH4)
- Best Practice (2STJ)
- Business Process Reengineering (BPR) (2TH6)
- Business Alignment (2STL)
- Business Context (2STM)
- Business Functions (2STN)
- Business Operating Unit (2STO)
- Business Process (2STP)
- Business Reference Model (BRM) (2STQ)
- Business Rule (2STR)
- Capability (2STS)
- Capability Maturity Model (2STT)
- Capital assets (2STU)
- Capital planning and investment control (CPIC) (2STV)
- Capital programming (2STW)
- Capital project (Investment) (2STX)
- Change (2STY)
- PurpleWiki::InlineNode=HASH(0xa99be00)->content (2STZ)
- Collection (2SU0)
- Community of Practice (2SU1)
- Component (2SU2)
- Component Based Architecture (CBA) (2SU3)
- Component, Business Business Component (2SU4)
- Component COTS (2SU5)
- Component, Enterprise Enterprise Component (2SU6)
- Component, Infrastructure Infrastucture Component (2SU7)
- Component, Notional Notional Component (2SU8)
- Component, Technical Technical Component (2SU9)
- Constituent (2SUA)
- Consumable (2SUB)
- Context Descriptions (2SUC)
- Convergence (2SUD)
- Core Gov ( (2SUE)
- Data Asset Description (2SUF)
- Data Dictionary (2SUG)
- Data Element (2SUH)
- Data Management Strategy (2SUI)
- Data Model (2SUJ)
- Data Object (2SUK)
- Data Property (2SUL)
- Data Reference Model (DRM) (2SUM)
- Data Representation (2SUN)
- Domain (2SUO)
- DRM Model Constructs (2SUP)
- Earned value management (EVM) (2SUQ)
- Encapsulation (2SUR)
- Energy savings performance contract (2SUS)
- Enterprise (2SUT)
- Enterprise Architecture (2SUU)
- Enterprise Service Bus (ESB) (2SUV)
- Extensibility (2SUW)
- Extensible Markup Language (XML) (2SUX)
- Factoring (2SUY)
- FEA Business Integration Patterns (2SUZ)
- Federal Enterprise Architecture (FEA) (2SV0)
- Federated Architecture (2SV1)
- Federation (2SV2)
- Financial management systems (2SV3)
- Financial systems (2SV4)
- FISMA (2SV5)
- Formal Taxonomy (2SV6)
- Foundation (2SV7)
- Framework (2SV8)
- Full acquisition (2SV9)
- Full funding (2SVA)
- Funding source (2SVB)
- Gap Analysis (2SVC)
- GapFit Analysis (2SVD)
- Goals (2SVE)
- Granularity (2SVF)
- High Risk investments (2SVG)
- Information Access Endpoint (2SVH)
- Information Exchange Package (2SVI)
- Information Flow (2SVJ)
- Information Protection (2SVK)
- Information Resource Management Strategic Plan (2SVL)
- Information system (2SVM)
- Information Technology (IT) (2SVN)
- Information Value Chain Model (2SVO)
- Infrastructure (2SVP)
- Initiative (2SVQ)
- Integrated Project Team (IPT) (2SVR)
- Integration (2SVS)
- Intellectual Property (2SVT)
- Interagency Acquisition (2SVU)
- Interface (2SVV)
- Interoperability Standards (2SVW)
- IT Migration investment (2SVX)
- IT Principle (2SVY)
- IT Product (2SVZ)
- IT Strategic Objective (2SW0)
- Laws and Regulations (2SW1)
- Legacy System (2SW2)
- Lifecycle costs (2SW3)
- Line of Sight (2SW4)
- Linkage (2SW5)
- Location (2SW6)
- Major IT acquisition/investment (2SW7)
- MessageOriented Middleware (2SW8)
- Metadata (2SW9)
- Metadata Registry (2SWA)
- Metamodel Constructs (2SWB)
- Methodology (2SWC)
- Migration Plan (2SWD)
- Mission (2SWE)
- Mixed lifecycle investment (2SWF)
- Mixed system (2SWG)
- Model (2SWH)
- Model Driven Architecture (MDA) (2SWI)
- Network (2SWJ)
- New IT Investment (2SWK)
- Node Diagram (2SWL)
- Nonfinancial system (2SWM)
- Nonmajor IT Investment (2SWN)
- Objectives (2SWO)
- PurpleWiki::InlineNode=HASH(0xa9ae1c4)->content (2SWP)
- OnGoing IT Investment (2SWQ)
- Ontology (2SWR)
- Operational (steady-state) (2SWS)
- Partner agency funding contribution (2SWT)
- Patterns (2SWU)
- Performance Measure (2SWV)
- Performance Reference Model (PRM) (2SWW)
- Performancebased acquisition management (2SWX)
- Planning (2SWY)
- Platform (2SWZ)
- Privacy impact assessment (Privacy Impact Assessment) (2SX0)
- Program (2SX1)
- Program Manager (2SX2)
- Project (2SX3)
- Reference Model (2SX4)
- Registry (2SX5)
- Relational Table (2SX6)
- Repository (2SX7)
- Reuse (2SX8)
- Risk adjusted lifecycle costs (2SX9)
- Risk Management Plan (2SXA)
- Schema (2SXB)
- Semantic Ontology (2SXC)
- Sequencing Plan (2SXD)
- Service (2SXE)
- Service Component Reference Model (SCRM) (2SXF)
- Service Level Agreement (2SXG)
- Service Oriented Architecture (SOA) (2SXH)
- Shared Services (2SXI)
- Share In Savings contract (2SXJ)
- Sharing Descriptions (2SXK)
- Solution Assembly (2SXL)
- Stakeholder (2SXM)
- Strategic Objective (2SXN)
- Strategies (2SXO)
- Subclass (2SXP)
- SubFunction (2SXQ)
- Subject Areas (2SXR)
- Subject Taxonomy (2SXS)
- Target Architecture (2SXT)
- Technical Reference Model (TRM) (2SXU)
- Test Harness (2SXV)
- Transition Strategy (2SXW)
- Transition Plan (2SXX)
- UDDI Directory (2SXY)
- Use Case (2SXZ)
- Useful segment/module (2SY0)
- Utility energy efficiency service contract (UREESC) (2SY1)
- Vision (2SY2)
- Web Services (2SY3)
- Wrapping (2SY4)
- WSDL (2SY5)
- XML Schema (2SY6)
History (3DE)
- Created Enterprise Architecture Glossary of Terms page and aggregated existing terms from the DRM team sources. SusanTurnbull / 2005_04_21 7:29 PM (2PY2)
- Added additional terms. Ira Grossman / 2005_07_06 (2TIK)
- Completed links. SusanTurnbull / 2005_07_07 11:50 AM (2TIL)