Enterprise Improvement Community of Practice (3DJV)
January 22, 2007, Meeting (3DJW)
- Time: 10:30 a.m. - 12:00 Noon (3DJX)
- Place: NSF, Ballston Metro Stop, Room 120 (3DJY)
- Call-in number: (319) 632-1100 and Access Code: 484206 (3DJZ)
- File Repository (3DK0)
Draft Agenda: (3DK1)
- 1. Minutes of previous meeting (see wiki) (3DK2)
- 2. Dr. George Strawn, CIO NSF, Co-Chair Best Practices Committee (conflicting meeting) (3DK3)
- General Remarks and any Q&A regarding BPC (Secretariat) (3DK4)
- 3. 2006 Federal IT Summit: Breakout Session Reports (ongoing) (3DK5)
- 4. Upcoming EPIC Workshop - to be held April 17th at NSF. (3DK6)
- We need your views, suggestions, expectations, success criteria regarding our Workshop, so please plan to attend. (3DK7)
- 5. Any other items/new items (3DK8)
- Wiki Training - Next on January 24th (3DK9)
- 6. Next Meeting - March 19, 2007, at NSF (3DKA)