ET SC Conference Call, May 1, 2007 (3KPW)
- Time: 2:30 PM - 3:30 PM, EDT (3KPX)
- Dial-in information: 1-866-756-8330 (3KPY)
Agenda Items (3KQ9)
- 1. Discussion of Federal improvement communities chartered under CIOC (3KQA)
- 2. Discussion of Federal Funding and Transparency Act (3KQB)
- 3. ET SC highlights - Link to ET Subcommittee (3KQE)
- 4. Discussion of StratML progress and upcoming briefing to AIC (3KQF)
- White Paper on StratML to be shared end of April/ early May - following test with 10 agencies (3KQG)
- possible dates for future presentation to AIC: (3KQH)
- April 19 - AIC Leadership only meeting (3KQI)
- May 2 - AIC Leadership call (3KQJ)
- May 17 AIC Open meeting (3KQK)
- 5. Link to Architecture and Infrastructure Committee (3KQL)