This page is for reference only ... new users should try editing the wiki at the bottom of the SandBox page. --ColabWikiAdmin    (2YP9)

After creating an account or logging in, click on "Edit text of this page" (at bottom left of this page), then click on the "Preview" button. That allows you to see how these examples are typed into the edit window, and how they will show up on the page eventually.    (3QXT)

View-only ... please do not press the "Save" button. ''Click on your browser "Back" button to return to where you came from (probably the SandBox page!)    (3QXU)

Example    (1Z0)

Hello world! This is a test 1 2 3 ... this is only a test    (1Z1)

 --    (1Z2)
 Hello world! This is a test
 1 2 3 
 ... this is    only    a test    (1Z7)
 --    (1Z8)

Question: I wonder why it displays the above two entries so differently, given that they look pretty much identical in the edit window.    (2IOZ)

Answer: the first group starts on the margin (normal text), and the second group start with a space (mono-spaced text). see:    (2IP1)

Major Heading    (1Z9)

section heading    (1ZA)

minor heading    (1ZB)

 --    (1ZC)

My point is:    (1ZD)

The brown fox jumps quickly over the lazy dog. The brown fox jumps quickly over the lazy dog. The brown fox jumps quickly over the lazy dog. The brown fox jumps quickly over the lazy dog. The brown fox jumps quickly over the lazy dog. The brown fox jumps quickly over the lazy dog. The brown fox jumps quickly over the lazy dog. The brown fox jumps quickly over the lazy dog. The brown fox jumps quickly over the lazy dog. The brown fox jumps quickly over the lazy dog.    (1ZI)

The brown fox jumps quickly over the lazy dog. The brown fox jumps quickly over the lazy dog. The brown fox jumps quickly over the lazy dog. The brown fox jumps quickly over the lazy dog. (indented)    (1ZJ)

 That's it,     folks!    (1ZK)    (1ZP)

For more information go to our portal page and navigate from there.    (1ZQ) Picture of the CWE system being demonstrated.    (1ZS)

this is in bold type and this is in italics    (1ZT)

More advanced applications    (1ZU)

Please do not make edits here. Test edits on the wiki should best in down at the SandBox page (which is where earlier users have now been moved to.) (=ppy / 2005.05.04_19:49_PDT)    (2Q2D)