Eastern Transportation Knowledge Network Organizing Meeting Meeting Minutes - 11/9/2007    (3U8Q)

Agenda and Attendees    (3U84)

http://colab.cim3.net/cgi-bin/wiki.pl?EasternTransportationKnowledgeNetwork/Meeting_2007_11_09    (3U6L)

On the mission statement    (3U85)

http://colab.cim3.net/cgi-bin/wiki.pl?EasternTransportationKnowledgeNetwork/Resolution Attendees reviewed and the draft mission statement for the Eastern Transportation Knowledge Network (ETKN) that the ETKN Exploratory Committee proposed. Action: All agreed and accepted the mission statement.    (3U6M)

On the resolution    (3U86)

http://colab.cim3.net/cgi-bin/wiki.pl?EasternTransportationKnowledgeNetwork/Resolution Attendees reviewed and discussed the minutes. Wilson stated that the resolution is non-binding and with no financial commitments. The purpose of the resolution is for the sole purpose of formally creating the network. If any library wants to join, a representative may get in touch with any member of the Exploratory Committee. Action: Resolution was adopted and ETKN was formed by the following libraries:    (3U6N)

Volpe Transportation Systems Center U.S. DOT Federal Highway Administration Library Tennessee Department of Transportation Transportation Research Board University of North Carolina Highway Safety Research Center National Transportation Library Virginia Transportation Research Council American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials Wilmington Urban Area Metropolitan Planning Organization Pennsylvania Department of Transportation Massachusetts Department of Transportation    (3U6O)

On the ETKN Purpose    (3U82)

http://colab.cim3.net/cgi-bin/wiki.pl?EasternTransportationKnowledgeNetwork Attendees reviewed and discussed the draft purpose statement for the network put forward by the ETKN Exploratory Committee. Conversation touched on the following topics: defined geographic region for the network (this topic is open for discussion in future ETKN meetings, but the Exploratory Committee discussed states east of the Mississippi); rather than geographically focused, the network should concern itself with serving the user community; regions facilitate a tiered approach to meeting information needs (from local to regional to national information resources)l; regional networks also serve as the building blocks for a national network; and the Transportation Library Connectivity Pooled Fund Study can provide a laboratory model of what a national network may look like, as it has members from all regional networks. Action: Adoption of the ETKN purpose statement was adopted.    (3U6P)

On Assets    (3U83)

http://colab.cim3.net/cgi-bin/wiki.pl?EasternTransportationKnowledgeNetwork/LibraryAssetsAndNeeds Attendees reviewed, edited, enhanced, and reorganized the list of ETKN member library assets. From the overall discussion, several project ideas for ETKN libraries to collaborate on were generated and briefly discussed. Highlights from the discussion of each category as are follows:    (3U6Q)


The main theme was that an inventory of facilities is important to think about because the ETKN will have to meet in the future. Action: “Facilities” section updated.    (3U6R)


As a result of the discussion of equipment, a subcategory of “software expertise” was created to represent pockets of expertise within the network. Boteler suggested that creating a software expertise list may be a useful project for the network. Action: “Equipment” and “Software” sections updated.    (3U6S)

SOFTWARE    (3U89)

Incorporated in “Equipment” category conversation. See above.    (3U6T)


Several issues arose in the review and discussion of the “Collection” category: what level of specificity in defining collections (e.g., do we want to know what journals and years of journals everyone has) is appropriate for this asset?; access concerns (e.g., non-circulating collections) need to be accommodated; compiling a collections list could be another collaborative project idea for the network; Google Maps could be used to chart and locate library collections by topic. The Midwest Transportation Knowledge Network (MTKN) has already developed a template for this exercise that the ETKN can take advantage of. Action: “Collection” section updated. Action: Boteler is developing the ETKN Collections template .    (3U6U)


The idea of a high-priority ILL agreement between ETKN members was suggested during this discussion of services. {nid 3U7O} Action: “Services” section updated.    (3U6V)


Ideas for programs included a wiki that would act as a consignment shop for duplicates, building and sharing market intelligence, and tracking legislation. {nid 3U7P} Action: “Programs” section updated.    (3U6W)

STAFF    (3U8D)

The specific details of the expertise of staff members in ETKN libraries could be placed in the library profiles as Sacco mentioned in her explanation of MTKN’s library profile template. Action: “Staff” section updated    (3U6X)


Action: “Miscellaneous” section updated.    (3U6Y)

On Needs    (3U8F)

http://colab.cim3.net/cgi-bin/wiki.pl?EasternTransportationKnowledgeNetwork/LibraryAssetsAndNeeds Attendees reviewed, edited, enhanced, and reorganized the list of ETKN member library needs. From the overall discussion, several project ideas for ETKN libraries to collaborate on were generated and briefly discussed. Highlights from the discussion of each category as are follows:    (3U6Z)


Action: “Facilities” section updated.    (3U70)


Action: “Equipment” section updated.    (3U71)


Overall consensus was that more content needs to be digitized, catalogued, and available to users without mediation. Copyright infringement issues need to be considered. Specific content identified included examples of RFPs and RFQs for projects, practical applications of planning, research, and materials to support faculty in disciplines. The discussion then moved to the opportunity and need for cooperative purchasing or licensing with vendors for their products (e.g., Elsevier’s ScienceDirect). {nid 3U7V} Action: “Collections” section updated.    (3U72)


Specific services added as needs during the discussion included a shared current awareness service for ETKN users, back-up virtual reference service among ETKN members (so that when a librarian has to be away, another ETKN member will field inquiries), and mentoring of new transportation librarians. Action: “Services” section updated.    (3U73)


Action: “Programs” section updated.    (3U74)

STAFF    (3U8L)

Staff training should be emphasized as it will make us more effective and please our customers. {nid 3U7Z} Action: “Staff” section updated.    (3U75)


The need for a realistic metrics toolkit that reflects knowledge of and integration with parent department’s focus, e.g., vision, strategic plan, long range goals, and gives guidance on how to align with our parent group’s strategic plan. {nid 3U81} Action: “Miscellaneous” section updated.    (3U76)

Project Outline and Implementation Plan    (3U8N)

The purpose of this portion of the agenda was to choose and develop at least one collaborative project that the ETKN could begin working on immediately. Attendees compiled the list of project ideas from the assets and needs discussion, and brainstormed new projects that the network could begin working on. Winter suggested that the group think about “how can [ETKN] collectively make the best use of [its members’] considerable assets to address a specific need” when generating ideas.    (3U77)

The top twelve (12) project ideas were as follows: 1. Shared collection development 2. Consortium purchasing of journals and databases, i.e., electronic resources 3. Union list of serials 4. Sharing of expertise- software experts 5. Current awareness 6. Duplicate exchange “consignment shop” -Create a directory of transportation libraries in the region 7. Collaborative cataloging of AASHTO e-content and other high-quality materials 8. Reference backup – for solo librarians who need to attend conferences, continuing professional education courses, etc. 9. Reciprocal ILL - identify custom lender string, for fast turnaround 10. Creating more e-content (from MPO’s – long-range transportation plans) scanning documents, making full text content accessible 11. Training and mentoring – joint staff development 12. Library Policy documents- collection development, loans, etc., incl. customer needs assessment survey instruments    (3U78)

The list of twelve was narrowed to the top three picks: 1. Collaborative cataloging of AASHTO e-content and other high quality materials 2. Creating more e-content (from MPOs – long range transportation plans) scanning documents, making full text content accessible 3. Current awareness (Washington State DOT has an active current awareness service; Boteler will send examples to the ETKN listserv)    (3U79)

Attendees discussed these options in more detail (e.g., NTL and TRIS Online would house and index any new e-content; not all ETKN libraries catalog into the same system to enable effective collaborative cataloging project, and current awareness projects can be really time-consuming).    (3U7A)

Attendees voted again to choose the first ETKN project: collaboratively creating more e-content was selected as the first project and tentatively titled “ETKN Digital Collaboratory.” Details as follows: Content selection guidelines    (3U7B)

Do we have the content? Does TRIS have the capacity to accept the content – MARC record, etc.? Can NTL store it in a permanent fashion? PDF format searchable “image with text” documents    (3U7C)

Outputs and outcomes Subfile in TRIS for ETKN documents 5 documents from each ETKN entity    (3U7D)

Measuring outcomes How many hits for downloads of documents contributed by ETKN members– track these statistics    (3U7E)

Timeline for Infrastructure and organizational development Attendees agreed to meet the 4th Thursday of the odd months (January, March, May, July, September, and November, acknowledging that November will probably have to be rescheduled). Attendees also discussed the organizing documents of the other two regional networks: MTKN and the Western Transportation Knowledge Network (WTKN). Winter suggested that members review the documents (available http://colab.cim3.net/work/TKN/ETKN) and think about creating a structure that provides opportunities for tiered participation and responsibilities for interested stakeholders. ETKN needs to realistically assess what levels each institution (not library) can participate in. Without tiers, we’ll miss opportunities for peers in the network.    (3U7F)

Attendees agreed to continue the review and discussion of what ETKN would like to keep and change from the MTKN and WTKN organizing documents (bylaws, ILL policies, and guiding principles) on the next conference call in January. The group recognized that the process of developing and implementing an infrastructure for the network would take time and agreed to a goal of one-year to have this project completed.    (3U7G)

Letson raised the question of nominated someone to lead the ETKN effort. Winter was nominated and agreed to become ETKN chair pro tem.    (3U7H)

Meeting adjourned at 4p.    (3U7I)

Submitted by David Green and Amanda J. Wilson    (3U7J)