Eastern Transportation Knowledge Network (ETKN) Membership Overview (3UC2)
(Ken Winter 12-20-07) (3UC3)
Thank you for expressing interest in the Eastern Transportation Knowledge Network (ETKN). ETKN formed on November 9, 2007 at an organizing meeting sponsored by the University of North Carolina (UNC) Highway Safety Research Center, in Chapel Hill. At that meeting, transportation organizations from the Eastern U.S. (American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials (AASHTO) Regions I and II) came together as charter members of the ETKN. (3UC4)
Mission Statement (3UC5)
The Eastern Transportation Knowledge Network (ETKN) exists to increase access to transportation research and information, to reduce the operating costs of its member libraries, and to offer new and improved information services for member libraries and their users. (3UC6)
Charter Members (3UC7)
1. American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials: (Rep.: Bob Cullen, Information Resource Manager) (3UHP)
2. FHWA Turner-Fairbanks Highway Safety Research Center, Technical Reference Center: (Rep.: Martha Soniera and Jennifer Boteler, Librarian) (3UHQ)
3. State Transportation Library of Massachusetts (Massachusetts Highway Department): (Rep.: Lynn Matis, Chief Librarian) (3UHR)
4. National Transportation Library, U.S. Department of Transportation: (Rep.: Amanda J. Wilson, Director) (ex officio) (3UHS)
5. New Jersey Department of Transportation: (Rep.: Carol Paszamant, Research Librarian) (3UHT)
6. New York State Department of Transportation: (Rep.: Jane Minotti, Librarian) (3UHU)
7. Pennsylvania Department of Transportation: (Rep.: Cheryl Bodan, Librarian) (3UHV)
8. Tennessee Department of Transportation: (Rep.: Ruth Letson, Librarian) (3UHW)
9. Transportation Research Board: (Rep.: Barbara Post, Manager, Information Services) (3UHX)
10. University of North Carolina Highway Safety Research Center: (Rep.: Mary Ellen Tucker, Librarian) (3UHY)
11. Virginia Department of Transportation: (Rep.: Ken Winter, Director, Library and Information Services) (3UHZ)
12. Volpe Transportation Systems Center: (Rep.: Sarah May and Susan Dresley, Library Director) (3UI0)
13. Wilmington Urban Area Metropolitan Planning Organization: (Rep.: Anthony Prinz, Associate Transportation Planner) (3UCL)
Membership and Governing Documents (3UCM)
ETKN welcomes new members from AASHTO Regions I and II. Active participants decided not to direct their initial energy into draft governing documents in November. Recognizing their shared goals and expectations, and a desire to be inclusive through a tiered membership system, participants formed with the expectation that membership eligibility and responsibilities would be determined in 2008. (3UCN)
That much said, the following criteria comprise “minimum requirement guidelines” for the ETKN. It is likely that a membership committee (to be established at a future date) will draft articles specifying precise criteria for member eligibility in the near future, and that ultimately applicants will be reviewed by that committee for compliance and adherence to the qualifications of a tiered membership system. (3UCO)
Minimum Requirements for Membership: (3UCP)
Organizations applying for membership in the ETKN should: (3UCQ)
• Be involved in transportation research and/or practice. (3UD2)
• Have library or information services, or a related department with an accessible collection of transportation information resources available to ETKN members. (3UD3)
• Have cataloged or systematically organized collections. (3UD4)
• Be willing and able to provide access to local collections and services. (3UD5)
• Designate a representative responsible for communicating with other ETKN members. (3UCR)
Next Steps (3UCS)
In 2008 ETKN will be developing a governance structure, which will include governing documents (bylaws, articles, guiding principles, etc.), and elected positions. Until that time, interested transportation agencies can contact the following for more information: (3UCT)
Carol Paszamant, membership chair, pro tem Phone: 609-530-5289 E-mail: carol.paszamant@dot.state.nj.us (3UCU)
Ken Winter, chair pro tem Phone: 434-293-1959 E-mail: ken.winter@vdot.virginia.gov (3UCV)
References (3UCW)
AASHTO Regional Map:
Eastern Transportation Knowledge Network (ETKN): http://colab.cim3.net/cgi-bin/wiki.pl?EasternTransportationKnowledgeNetwork (3UCY)
Midwest Transportation Knowledge Network (MTKN): http://www.mtkn.org/index.htm (3UCZ)
Western Transportation Knowledge Network (WTKN): http://www.ctcandassociates.com/lpfblog/?page_id=225 (3UD0)
Special Report 284: Transportation Knowledge Networks: A Management Strategy for the 21st Century: http://onlinepubs.trb.org/onlinepubs/sr/sr284.pdf (3UD1)