Facilities (3R2W)
- Development of regional branch (TNDOT) (3R2I)
- Agency has allotted space for physical library (FHWA)(TLB)(NYSDOT)(VDOT) (3RX1)
- Access to 100-person conference room with audio/visual/wireless/smart board/polycom (VDOT)(PNDOT) (TLB) (AASHTO) (NJDOT) (3RXD)
- Access to 14-person lab (under construction) with audio/visual/wireless/smart board/polycom (VDOT) (3RXE)
- Access to several small 8-person meeting rooms (VDOT)(NJDOT)(NTL) (3RXF)
- Access to printing/scanning/binding and folding equipment for binding/disbinding, mailings, etc. (VDOT) (3RXG)
- Ample parking for visitors (even though on University of Virginia campus) (NTL)(VDOT) (3RXH)
- Access to a vehicle pool of 7 vehicles, including 2 large vans (VDOT) (3RXI)
- Daily courrier service to our central office for delivery (VDOT) (3RXR)
- Easy access to public transportation (Volpe)(TRB)(TLB)(NTL) (3RZF)
- Nice Cafeteria (TRB)(NTL)(TLB) (3RZG)
- Use of Academy computer training facility (TRB) (3R3E)
Equipment (3R2X)
- Public use computer(s) (TNDOT)(TRB)(TLB)(VDOT)(NJDOT)(VDOT) (3RXJ)
- Staff/public use printers (VDOT) (3RXP)
- High-speed scanning equipment (VDOT) (3RXO)
- New photocopier (FHWA)(TLB)(VDOT) (3RXK)
- Server with Inmagic database software (intranet only) (VDOT) (3RXS)
- Fax Machines -- EVERYONE (3RZH)
- Microfiche reader (NTL)(HSRC)(NJDOT)(TRB) (3RZI)
- Plotter (VDOT)(WMPO)(HSRC)(NTL)(TRB) (3RZJ)
Software (3RZK)
- Software licensed includes: Adobe v. 6, 7, 8; Photoshop; Dreamweaver; Frontpage; Camtasia (VDOT) (3RXT)
- Access to other specialized software packages (such as SPSS) (VDOT)(NTL) (3RXU)
- EndNote (HSRC) (FHWA) (3RZM)
Collection (3R2Y)
Some issues with this area are the many ways "collection" can be approached. A distinction between what member libraries have immediate access to ('owned' collections) and those materials that can be accessed through institutional partnerships, such as HSRC having access to materials through UNC-Chapel Hill Library system. (3S03)
When compiling this list, only those items that a member library can access immediately or "owns" through parent organization should be considered: (3S04)
- PE study material (TNDOT)(TLB)(VDOT) (3RW3)
- CPS study material (TNDOT) (3R2M)
- Fairly extensive serial collection (receive many high price subscription free) (TRB) (3R3F)
- 169 serials titles (active and ceased) including some deep backruns of some expensive titles (VDOT) (3RXV)
- 37,500 circulating volumes (in OCLC) and 17,000 journal issues (titles in OCLC, holdings not) (VDOT) (3RXZ)
- Approximately 10,000 volumes of backlogged items in need of cataloging (VDOT)(NJDOT) (3RY0)
- Archives for TRB, HRB, Marine, and SHRP (TRB)(TLB)(VDOT) (3RW4)
- Access to National Academy of Sciences electronic journals and database (TRB) (3R3H)
- Access to fee based services SCOPUS, OVID, Web of Science, Science Direct (TRB)(VDOT) (3RXW)
- FHWA RD HRT reports (FHWA)(VDOT)(NJDOT) (3R6U)
- Collection of 1,000 USGS Topo maps (not cataloged in OCLC or local)(VDOT) (3RY1)
- Collection of archival documents related to the history of VTRC, VDOT and specific highway projects (not cataloged in OCLC or local) (VDOT) (3RY2)
- SP&R reports (FHWA)(VDOT) (3R6V)
- BPR historical materials (FHWA) (3R6W)
- Public Roads magazine, complete run (FHWA)(VDOT) (3R6X)
- Old UK Highway Research Laboratory pubs (FHWA)(VDOT) (3R6Y)
- Electronic AASHTO standards (FHWA)(VDOT) (3R6Z)
- Electronic ASTM (and many other standards) through IHS standards database (VDOT) (3RXX)
- Electronic ASTM standards through ASTM portal (NJDOT) (TDOT) (3RYT)
- Deep backruns of older AASHTO and ASTM standards (VDOT) (3RXY)
- Access to University of Virginia subscription databases, scanning, and document delivery (VDOT) (3RY5)
- Access to NJ State Library subscription databases (NJDOT) (3RYU)
- Member of TLCAT (VDOT)(FHWA) (NTL) (3RYK)
- Archival Collections (HSRC) (VDOT) (TRB) (FHWA) (AASHTO) (NJDOT) (PADOT) (3S0G)
- NTIS microfiche (1970 -2000; transportation related) (HSRC)(Volpe) Next steps for collections in ETKN: (3S05)
- use MTKN's/Pooled Fund's profile template for each member library (3S06)
- Jennifer Boteler will lead the effort (3S07)
Services (3R2Z)
- Catalog on Intranet (TNDOT)(NYSDOT) (3RX2)
- Catalog publically accessible on Internet (VDOT)(NJDOT) (NTL) (3RY3)
- Automated circulation, circulating collection (TNDOT)(FHWA)(VDOT)(TLB)(NYSDOT)(NJDOT) (3RX3)
- Federal Register alerts (TNDOT) (3QZ2)
- AASHTO alerts (TNDOT) (3QZ3)
- TRB alerts (TNDOT) (3QZ5)
- Patron reserves (TNDOT)(VDOT) (3QZA)
- Generous loan policy (TNDOT)(VDOT)(NJDOT) (PADOT) (3R2P)
- Interlibrary loan (TNDOT)(TRB)(FHWA)(TLB)(VDOT-no cost to transp. lib.)(NYSDOT)(NJDOT)(PADOT) (3RX4)
- Proctor exams (TNDOT)(VDOT) (3R2R)
- Reference Services to customers -- EVERYONE (3RYL)
- Research Synthesis Bibliography: Combines in depth lit. search, topic synthesis, doc. delivery (VDOT)(NTL) (3RYM)
- Regular and rush orders for new publications (VDOT) (TNDOT)(NTL) (3RYN)
- Reference consults for specialized collections (HSRC)(VDOT) (3RYO)
- Market Intelligence (Volpe) (3S0D)
- Legislative tracking (TRB) (3S0E)
- RFP tracking (HSRC) (3S0F)
- Support taxonomy creation and use and general metadata use on agencey Intranet Portal (VDOT) (TRB) (3RYP)
- Serial Routing to staff (TRB) (TDOT) (NTL) (3R3L)
- Produce TRB Publications Index (TRB) (3R3M)
- Open to public by appointment (TRB)(VDOT)(TLB)(NJDOT) (3RW6)
- Document Delivery (FHWA)(VDOT)(TLB)(NYSDOT)(NJDOT) (HSRC - limited to internal archives) (NTL) (3RX5)
- Research assistance (FHWA)(TLB)(NYSDOT)(VDOT)(NJDOT)(NTL) (TDOT) (TRB) (3RX6)
- Copy and digitization services (VDOT)(NTL) (3RY4)
- Technical guidance to other agency offices/programs (FHWA)(VDOT) (NTL) (3R72)
- Quarterly acquisitions list (NJDOT) (3RYV)
- Research publications e-bibliography 1967-present -- digitization project (HSRC) (3S0C)
Programs (3R30)
- Exhibits and presentations at many meetings (TRB) (NTL) (HSRC) (3R3O)
- Presentations on library services and transportation information resources (FHWA)(VDOT)(NTL) (3R73)
- Library open house (FHWA)(VDOT) (NTL) (3R74)
- Outreach program to University of Virginia UTC (VDOT) (3RY6)
- Outreach program to VDOT departments and divisions in other regions of the state (VDOT) (3RYQ)
- Distribution of duplicate/surplus public (FHWA) (3RWN)
- Bibliographic Instruction program to VTRC researchers (starting in the spring) (VDOT)(NTL) (HSRC) (3RYA)
- Has hosted library training/development workshops (OCLC ILL) (VDOT) (3RYB)
Staff (3R2W)
- Relative independence (TNDOT) (HSRC) (3QYY)
- Institutional Memory (TNDOT) (AASHTO) (TRB) (VDOT) (HSRC) (Volpe) (TLB) (3QZ7)
- Library has two professionals, plus access to TRIS staff, and TRB staff for subject specific questions(TRB) (3R3P)
- MLS degreed staff (FHWA)(NJDOT) (TDOT) (TRB) (NTL) (3R76)
- Experienced and knowledgeable Cataloger (TDOT)(TRB)(Volpe)(NJDOT)(VDOT)(NTL)(FHWA) (3R77)
- Skilled support staff (FHWA) (3R78)
- IT Support (FHWA) (HSRC) (NTL) (3R79)
Miscellaneous (3R2W)
- Monthly training/staff development through University of Virginia Library Learner seminars (VDOT) (3RYD)
- Staff frequently able to attend conferences (ALA,VLA,SLA,TRB) (VDOT) (3RYE)
- Maintains Intranet Web site (VDOT) (3RYF)
- Has developed collection development, gift and other policies (VDOT) (3RYG)
- Library has strong support for development and networking from upper management (VDOT) (3RYH)
- Joint purchasing for department to obtain bulk discounts (TNDOT) (3QZ6)
- The Candy Jar (TNDOT) (3QZ8)
- Very popular candy jar (TRB) (3R3Q)
- Book Give-a-aways (TRB) (3R3R)
- Supportive and responsive COTR (FHWA) (3R7A)
Facilities (3R33)
- More space (TNDOT)(FHWA)(HSRC)(NJDOT)(VDOT) (3R0N)
- Better space planning (TNDOT)(NJDOT) (3R0O)
- Common study area (TNDOT)(HSRC)(VDOT) (3R0P)
- Area to display new materials (TNDOT)(VDOT) (3R0Q)
- More attractive environment (TNDOT)(NJDOT) (3R0R)
- More visible location (TNDOT)(NJDOT) (3R0S)
- Improved air quality (TNDOT) (3R0T)
- More shelf space (TRB)(FHWA)(HSRC)(NJDOT)(VDOT) (3R3S)
- New location (FHWA)(NJDOT) (3R7C)
- Collection all in same room (FHWA)(VDOT) (3R7D)
- Staff workroom separate from public area (FHWA)(NJDOT)(VDOT) (3R7E)
Equipment (3R34)
- Compact shelving (FHWA) (3R7F)
- Ergonomically correct chairs (FHWA) (3R7G)
- New desks (FHWA) (3R7H)
- Additional network connections (FHWA) (3R7I)
- Public access terminals (FHWA) (3R7J)
- Book scanner (FHWA)(NJDOT) (3R7K)
- Color printer (FHWA) (3R7L)
Collection (3R35)
- Engineering Textbooks (FHWA) (3R7M)
- PE study materials (NJDOT) (3S0J)
- Reference books (FHWA)(VDOT) (3R7N)
- Technical standards (FHWA)(NJDOT) (3R7O)
- Journals (FHWA)(VDOT) (3R7P)
- Conversion of videos to DVD (FHWA)(NJDOT) (3R7Q)
- Subscription databases (FHWA) (NTL) (TDOT) (3R7R)
- Indexing & preservation of historical files (FHWA)(VDOT) (NJDOT) (TLB)(AASHTO) (3R7S)
- Cataloging of backlog of uncataloged materials (FHWA)(HSRC)(NJDOT)(VDOT) (3R9K)
- E-Access to Engineering Journals (HSRC)(NJDOT) (TDOT) (VDOT) (3RVK)
More content digitized, cataloged into shared catalog, accessible without mediation (i.e., full-text free online, bought from publisher, or borrowed from a library) (3S0K)
- Mechanism to know about, collect and catalog consultant's reports (VDOT) (3RYX)
- Regional or national last-copy program to contribute to/participate in (VDOT) (3RYY)
- examples of RFPs and RFQs for projects; practical applications of planning, research, etc. activities (WMPO) (3S0L)
- Coordinate cooperative buying (need critical mass of organizations and someone to negotiate) -- this would be a full-time position (3S0M)
Services (3R36)
- Web page (TNDOT) (3R0X)
- Update library Web page (TRB)(NJDOT)(NJDOT) ( (3R3T)
- Web OPAC and enhanced web page (FHWA) (3R7T)
- Synchronous virtual reference...moving beyond e-mail (opportunity to collaborate across the network to provide service) (VDOT) (3RYZ)
- Current awareness service for users (VDOT) (NTL) (3S0N)
Types of materials included are LexisNexis alerts; Google alerts; RSS feeds (3S0O)
Synopsis or abstract, and link to the full text (3S0P)
;Tailored to institution's customers' needs and distributed as is to other partners (3S0Q)
Programs (3R37)
- Library promotion/PR (TNDOT)(TRB)(NJDOT) (3R10)
- Marketing (FHWA)(NJDOT) (3R7U)
- Outreach (FHWA)(NJDOT) (3R7V)
- More opportunities for patron bibliographic instruction (VDOT) (3RZ0)
- Mentoring of new transportation librarians (should include the Transportation Librarains Toolkit) (3S0R)
- More brainstorming and information exchange of best practices and lessons learned (imitation is flattery) (3S0S)
Staff (3R38)
- Better salaries (TNDOT)(NJDOT)(VDOT) (3R12)
- Staff training (3R0Z)
- Systems librarian (FHWA) (3R7W)
- Collection development librarian (FHWA) {nid 3R7X} • Catalog librarian (HSRC) (3RVL)
Miscellaneous (3R39)
- Acknowledgement/Support by upper management(TNDOT)(FHWA)(NJDOT)(HSRC) (3R14)
- Vehicle to know and align with department’s/parent organization's focus (e.g., vision, strategic plan, long-range goals)(TNDOT)(NJDOT)(HSRC)(AASHTO) (NTL) (3R15)
- Departmental awareness of library’s holdings and other resources (TNDOT)(NJDOT)(VDOT) (3R16)
- More interaction with others in the division (TNDOT)(NJDOT) (HSRC) (3R17)
- Budget concerns, more money EVERYONE, all the time (3R7Y)
- IT support (TRB)(NJDOT) (3R3V)
- More time (TRB)(NJDOT) (3R3W)
- Multiple roles - library, TRIS, RiP, RNS many responsibilities (TRB) (3R3X)
- Selection, contract negotiation, conversion, and implementation of new Integrated Library System (FHWA) (3R7Z)