Don Geiger, CPA (3H0M)
I am a technical manager working in public sector accounting standards for the International Public Sector Accounting Standards Board (IPSASB) one of the Boards at the International Federation of Accountants. I have experience working in the Deputy CFO Office of the United States Department of Treasury and the Financial Reporting Section of the Internal Revenue Service. (3H0Z)
I am a member of a number of Communities of Practice including: (3H0N)
- Leader, Governmental XBRL CoP (3H0S)
- AGA Financial Management Standards Board (FMSB) (3H11)
- Greater Washington Society of CPAs - Federal Issues & Standards (FISC) (3H12)
Government Accountant's XBRL Guide (3H14)
Statement of Financing A-136 Work-Group Collaborative Website (WIKI) (3HQP)
\PublicSectorAccounting (3RDA)
Don Geiger International Federation of Accountants IFAC WEBSITE, International Public Sector Accounting Standards Board (3H0Y)