Purposes of the demo session (3GMR)
- Provide an informal networking and community building opportunity (3GMT)
- Give participants an up-close understanding of what a working wiki looks like. (3GMU)
- Answer questions, such as, (3GMV)
CIT: MOSS Wikis (3GO9)
(MOSS is Microsoft Office Sharepoint Server) (3GN0)
Tony Gavino, Jack Hyman, and Vincent Wong of the Software Engineering Section of CIT will demo a generic Wiki site built using Microsoft's Office SharePoint Server (MOSS) Wiki engine. Site members can share knowledge, brainstorm ideas, collaborate with their team on a design, create an instruction guide, build an encyclopedia of knowledge, or just write down daily information in an easily accessible and modifiable format. MOSS Wiki is a potential service that CIT may provide to the NIH community. Many NIH ICs use Microsoft web products. (3GN1)
Engine: http://www.microsoft.com/technet/technetmag/issues/2007/01/Wiki/default.aspx (3GN2)
NCI: Confluence (3GOA)
Jeff Shilling will demonstrate the NCI Center for Cancer Research's Confluence wiki, which supports NIH Active Directory login, WYSIWYG and Wiki Markup editing, and an Open API for extension and integration development. (3GN3)
Engine: http://www.atlassian.com/software/confluence (3GN4)
GSA: Collaborative Work Environment (CWE), Multiple technologies, including PurpleWiki (3GOB)
Susan Turnbull from the Office of Citizen Services and Communications, US General Services Administration, will demonstrate "COLAB: An Open Collaborative Work Environment (CWE) to Support Networking Among Communities of Practice and Project Teams." The CWE consists of four workspaces: portal, wiki, discussion forum, and file repository. See http://www.gsa.gov/collaborate and/or http://colab.cim3.net. (3GN5)
Engine: The CWE uses PurpleWiki http://www.blueoxen.org/tools/purplewiki), which is derived from UseModWiki, an open source (GPL) Wiki written in Perl. UseModWiki, is an implementation of the original Wiki concept created by Ward Cunningham. The COLAB collaborative work environment is hosted on the CIM3.NET infrastructure - http://www.cim3.com. Work from the following Open Source (http://www.opensource.org) and Free Software (http://www.fsf.org) projects/technology have been used in the creation of this Collaborative Work Environment (CWE): (3GN6)
- Apache HTTP Server (http://httpd.apache.org) (3GN7)
- Apache Tomcat (http://jakarta.apache.org/tomcat/) (3GN8)
- Bootstrap (http://www.bootstrap.org) (3GN9)
- Fedora Project - Linux distro (http://fedora.redhat.com) (3GNA)
- Mailman (http://www.list.org) (3GNB)
- mharc (http://www.mhonarc.org/mharc) (3GNC)
- mhpurple.pl (http://www.eekim.com/software/mhonarc/#sid03) (3GND)
- Namazu (http://www.namazu.org) (3GNE)
- Postfix (http://www.postfix.org) (3GNF)
- Purple (http://www.eekim.com/software/purple/index.html) (3GNG)
- PurpleSlurple (http://purpleslurple.net) (3GNH)
- PurpleWiki (http://www.blueoxen.org/tools/purplewiki) (3GNI)
- Python (http://www.python.org) (3GNJ)
- rdiff-backup (http://rdiff-backup.stanford.edu/) (3GNK)
- Red Hat Linux (http://www.redhat.com) (3GNL)
- Fedora Project - Linux distro (http://fedora.redhat.com) (3GNM)
- Subversion (http://subversion.tigris.org) (3GNN)
- TightVNC (http://www.tightvnc.org) (3GNO)
- UseModWiki (http://www.usemod.com/cgi-bin/wiki.pl) (3GNP)
- VNC (http://www.uk.research.att.com/archive/vnc/) (3GNQ)
- WebDAV (http://www.webdav.org/) (3GNR)
National Geographic Society: MediaWiki (3GOC)
Karen Huffman and Michael Jourdan of Libraries & Information Services division of NGS will demonstrate parts of four wikis that NGS staff use for: (3GNS)
- Calendars (3GNT)
- Dictionaries and encyclopedias (3GNU)
- Directories and resumes (3GNV)
- Manuals, tutorials, and best practices (3GNW)
- Newsletters (3GNX)
- Project planning and status reports (3GNY)
- Reference material/ FAQs (3GNZ)
- Research and expertise database (3GO0)
- Special interest groups (3GO1)
- Team and division sites (3GO2)
- White-boarding/prototyping ideas (3GO3)
- Engine: http://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/MediaWiki (3GO4)
NLM: MediaWiki (pilot program) (3GOD)
Terry Luedkte, Eric Kamal, and Dan Wendling, of NLM will demo their MediaWiki pilot (and perhaps their Confluence pilot) which around 25 NLM staff used to create and edit pages during a pilot program held December 8, 2006 to February 8, 2007. (3GO5)
Engines: http://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/MediaWiki and http://www.atlassian.com/software/confluence (3GO6)
NIH Enterprise Architecture office: Wiki Working Group Report (3GOE)
Jae Lingberg of CIT/ Sapient will have information on past activity and future plans of the Office of the Chief IT Architect, NIH Enterprise Architecture office. She will provide copies of the Wiki Working Group Final Report (June 2006). Jae was co-facilitator for the group and a co-compiler of the report. (3GO7)