- David Fado (39ZZ)
- Science Applications International Corp. (SAIC) (3A00)
- 4001 N. Fairfax Drive Suite 350 (3A01)
- Arlington, VA 22203 (3A02)
- 703 558-2741 (office) (3A03)
- 703 946-7681 (cell) (3A04)
- My main interest is in constructing a pilot and evaluation that fairly exercises the data architecture on a problem it "should" address and provide feedback on how to improve the structure to make it more relevant to the operational mission we currently struggle with. (3A05)
- Specifically, we have been conducting experiments using person data, but not watch lists. I can already say that we need clearer guidance on how to extend TWPDES effectively for dealing with organizational data or relationships (such as cell phones with multiple person relationships). It seems excessively narrow to confine TWPDES to ONLY persons on a watch list: this will give us stovepipes worse than we have now. As I believe was mentioned on the phone conference, what is emerging is an ontology, but not in a coherent manner. (3A06)
- My interest is not in the theoretical ontology but in getting the feedback from operational experiments to make it easier to share and reuse information. What sort of pilots should we conduct? How do we assess success? How can we demonstrate the utility of the data architecture? (3A07)