5.4 Data Sharing Section of the DRM Abstract Model    (3YQN)

The Data Sharing section of the DRM abstract model covers two primary aspects of data sharing:    (3YQO)

The Data Sharing standardization area is supported by the Data Description and Data Context standardization areas in the following ways:    (3YQR)

Detailed information about these aspects are defined within the DRM. As described above, the architect may use the Data Sharing section of the DRM abstract model as a means to organize and share information about the information sharing within the agency/COI that he or she supports.    (3YQU)

The Data Sharing section of the DRM abstract model is shown in Figure 5-2. As in all previous chapters, it depicts the concepts that comprise relevant to the chapter. In this instance the model depicts the Data Sharing concepts for the DRM and the relationships between them. Concepts are expressed as boxes, while relationships are expressed as arrows.    (3YQV)

http://colab.cim3.net/file/work/das/DRM_2.0/Figure_5_2.JPG    (3YQW)

Figure 5-2 Data Sharing Section of the DRM Abstract Model    (3YQX)

The following are definitions for each of the concepts and relationships within the figure shown above. Conventions used are:    (3YQY)

Exchange Package    (3YS2)
A description of a specific recurring data exchange between a Supplier and a Consumer. An Exchange Package contains information (metadata) relating to the exchange (such as Supplier ID, Consumer ID, validity period for data, etc.), as well as a reference to the Payload (message content) for the exchange. An Exchange Package can also be used to define the result format for a query that is accepted and processed by a Query Point in a data sharing scenario.    (3YS6)
Entity    (3YSD)
See the Data Description chapter.    (3YRB)
Supplier    (3YSE)
An entity (person or organization) that supplies data to a Consumer.    (3YRC)
Consumer    (3YS9)
An entity (person or organization) that consumes data that is supplied by a Supplier.    (3YRG)
Payload Definition    (3YSA)
An electronic definition that defines the requirements for the Payload (data) that is exchanged between a Supplier and a Consumer.    (3YRJ)
Query Point    (3YSB)
An endpoint that provides an interface for accessing and querying a Data Asset. A concrete representation of a Query Point may be a specific URL at which a query Web Service may be invoked.    (3YRM)
Data Asset    (3YSC)
See the Data Context chapter.    (3YRQ)
 [20] The term “data asset” is synonymous with “data source”. It is described within the Data Context chapter.    (3YRR)