2.2 DRM Implementation Framework (3YNW)
This section presents the DRM Implementation Framework. The DRM Implementation Framework is depicted in the table below. This framework provides a roadmap to be used by enterprise architects and data architects to guide their efforts in supporting data sharing within the COIs that they support. The roadmap is based upon the following basic assertions. (3WYJ)
- Data Context is a standardization area within the DRM. A COI should agree on the context of the data needed to meet its shared mission business needs. A COI should be able to answer basic questions about the Data Assets that it manages. (3YND)
- What database(s) is used to store the data?” Data Context provides the basis for data governance with the COI. (3WYK)
- Data Description is a standardization area within the DRM. A COI should agree on meaning and the structure of the data that it needs in order to effectively use the data. (3WYL)
- Data Sharing is a standardization area within the DRM. A COI should have common capabilities to enable information to be accessed and exchanged. Hence the DRM provides guidance for the types of services that should be provisioned within a COI to enable this information sharing. (3WYM)
DRM Implementation Framework (3YN3)
The arrangement of the standardization areas in the above figure indicates how Data Sharing is supported by the capabilities provided by the Data Description and Data Context standardization areas, and how Data Description and Data Context capabilities are mutually supportive. These relationships will become clearer in the subsequent chapters in which the standardization areas are described in detail. (3YNH)
The following is a brief description of each standardization area, along with its purpose and a usage example. (3YNI)
Data Description: The Data Description standardization area provides a means to uniformly capture the semantic and syntactic structure of data. This enables comparison of metadata (data about data) for purposes of harmonization, and supports the ability to respond to questions regarding what is available in terms of Data Descriptions (metadata). {nid 3WYO}
Data Context: The Data Context standardization area establishes an approach to the categorization of data assets using taxonomies and other descriptive information. In general, Data Context answers key questions about the data required within a COI and establishes the basis for data governance. Data Context also enables discovery of data, and can provides linkages to the other FEA reference models, which are themselves taxonomies. (3YNM)
It should be noted that context also includes business rules. However, business rules will be covered in a later version of the DRM. (3YNN)
The following is a usage example for the Data Context Standardization area:
Data Sharing: The Data Sharing standardization area describes the access and exchange of data, where access consists of recurring requests (such as a query of a Data Asset), and exchange consists of fixed, recurring information exchanges between parties. Data sharing is enabled by capabilities provided by both the Data Context and Data Description standardization areas. (3YNP)
The Data Sharing standardization area is supported by the Data Description and Data Context standardization areas in the following ways: (3YNQ)
- Data Description: Uniform definition of Exchange Packages and Query Points supports the capability to effectively share them within and between COIs; (3YNR)
- Data Context: Categorization of Exchange Packages and Query Points supports their discovery, and their subsequent use in data access and data exchange. (3YNS)
The following is a usage example for the Data Sharing standardization area: