=========================================================================================== (2K2U)
Comments (2K2V)
- Ref: Volume I Guide above (2K2W)
- Comment: This diagram intent is very unclear. The value of the table is unclear. What is the purpose? (agency comment / compiled 2004.12.06) (2K2Y)
- Ref: Volume I Guide above (2K4A)
- Comment: It is recommended that Volume I contain some broad level discussion of the general process by which data access/transfer would be requested and take place, e.g., who is envisioned as requesting it, the general approval process, assignment of any stipulations on its use and dissemination, and basic procedures. (agency comment / compiled 2004.12.06) (2K4B)
- Ref: Volume I Guide above (2KFU)
- Comment: Moves in right direction. The overall DRM Volume I (DRM-I) is a useful tool that points in the right direction toward interoperability and government-wide information-sharing. (2KFV)