The DRM’s primary purpose is to promote the common identification, use, and appropriate sharing of data/information across the federal government. To meet this purpose requires an approach to the common categorization, exchange, and structure of data. Each of the areas of the DRM is described in the sections following Exhibit C. Exhibit C illustrates the integrated approach of the DRM.    (2IW1)

Exhibit C: DRM Approach    (2IW2)

The DRM presents a common approach to the categorization of data. To categorize data in a common way, the DRM establishes a Business Context. The business context represents the business use of a given set of data and makes use of the Subject Area and Super Type to further describe the business context of a given set of data. Subject areas represent a high-level set of business functions and are obtained from the FEA’s Business Reference Model (BRM). Super types represent an additional level of definition with the business context and are generally related to specific business activities and/or processes that support the subject area.    (2IW3)

Exchange of Data    (2IW4)

The exchange of data can be enabled through the DRM’s information exchange package concept. The Information Exchange Package represents the actual message or combination of data that is exchanged between users of the data. The information exchange package brings the business context and data element (described in the structure of data section) together to define how a common transaction (the exchange of information and data) might appear. Exhibit D illustrates the information exchange package concept. Future volumes of the DRM will continue to expand on the definition and scope of the information exchange package.    (PO)

Note: The information exchange package can apply to data that is transmitted or to data that is shared or retrieved.    (2IW5)

Exhibit D: Information Exchange Package    (2IW6)

Structure of Data    (2J0D)

The DRM uses the Data Element to describe the structure of data within a given business context. The structure of data is comprised of three elements adapted from the ISO/IEC 11179 standard. The Data Object is the set of ideas, abstractions, or things that can be identified with explicit business meaning and whose properties and behavior follow the same business rules. In the context of population health management, for example, the data object could be a vaccination. To further define the data object, the DRM’s approach uses a Data Property and a Data Representation. The data property describes the data element. In the population health management example, the data property could be name, weight, potency, etc. (of a vaccine). The data representation is the value type of the data object. For example, representations could be plain text, integers, whole numbers, etc.    (PS)

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