====================================================================================== (2JWO)
- Ref: Exhibit J: DRM Future Volume Topics II - IV above (2JWP)
- Comment:· Apart from mentioning that Volume IV of the DRM will define "metadata requirements" for specific communities of interest or lines of business, the DRM does not provide adequate guidance for the management and use of metadata and metadata repositories (MDR). Metadata and MDRs play an essential role in data definition and interoperability. (agency commnent / compiled 2004.12.06) (2JWR)
- Ref: Exhibit J: DRM Future Volume Topics II - IV above (2K4G)
- Comment: It is suggested that the sequence of subsequent volumes be adjusted. Volume 4 should be volume 3 and the description of data / metadata provided sooner. (agency commnent / compiled 2004.12.06) (2K4H)
- Ref: Exhibit J: DRM Future Volume Topics II - IV above (2KG2)
- Comment: Differences in Vol II between indexing, classification and categories is blurry: In looking ahead to the profile of DRM Volume II (DRM-II), the differences articulated in the definitions for (1) Information Indexing (2) Federated Data Classifications and (3) Information Categories are unclear. At one level, the terms appear to be nearly the same. Information owners will need to apply a common understanding of these concepts consistently in order to place data in the right “bucket” from among the three choices. One way to avoid that problem is to create or evolve a single centrally-managed and updated taxonomy or indexing/classification/categorization schema. Moving toward a federal metadata dictionary implemented along the lines of the Dublin Core Metadata model may be the answer. DoD and DHS are actively exploring such issues. (agency commnent / compiled 2004.12.06) (2KG3)
- Ref: Exhibit J: DRM Future Volume Topics II - IV above (2KGQ)
- Comment: The descriptions of “Metadata Requirements” and “Data Standardization” do not seem to match more widely understood definitions. (agency commnent / compiled 2004.12.06) (2KGR)
- Ref: Exhibit J: DRM Future Volume Topics II - IV above (2LW0)
- Comment: In general, this introduction to the DRM represents an excellent initial effort. The adoption of ISO, W3C, and UN/CEFACT standards is entirely consistent with our XML implementation strategy. (2LW1)
Actual implementation of a broad based DRM will be a very large effort which will require supporting resources, management and coordination. The longer the FEAPMO takes to develop the governance structure and begin implementation, the harder the task will be to develop harmonized efforts. (agency commnent / compiled 2004.12.06) (2LW2)
- Ref: Exhibit J: DRM Future Volume Topics II - IV above (2LW3)
- Comment: See related comments on business process, broader uses of XML and the DRM beyond data exchange, and ISO 15000-5. (2LW4)