================================================================================================ (2JUJ)
Comments (2JY4)
- Ref: http://colab.cim3.net/cgi-bin/wiki.pl?DataReferenceModel_09_2004/OverviewOfThe_DRM_VolIv1#nid2IW3 (2JUK)
- Comment: Inconsistencies exist between the textual descriptions and the examples of the Subject Areas: While the DRM states here in Section 2 that the Subject Areas represent a high-level set of business functions and are obtained from the FEA’s Business Reference Model (BRM) and in Section 3 implies that Subject Areas in the DRM equate to Sub-functions in the BRM, the examples - Exhibit E: DRM Example and Exhibit H: Use of the DRM do not support this statement. In Exhibit H: Use of the DRM, the Subject Area of RECREATION does not exist in version 2 of the BRM. The NATURAL RESOURCES (LOB) consists of the following sub-functions: (2JUR)
- Ref: Exhibit H: Use of the DRM above (2K2C)
- Suggested Change: In the XML schema example above - (2JV5)
- the command to declare an XML Schema element should be changed to " xsd: ". The example has " xs: " . (2JV2)
- If " RecAreaActivityType " is an element and not a complex type, it should be renamed to add " Code " at the end, because the word " type " at the end of an XML element is used in XML specifically to denote a complex type that is a predefined set of elements and sub elements. (agency comment / compiled 2004.12.06) (2JV3)
- Suggested Change: In the XML schema example above - (2JV5)
- Ref: Exhibit H: Use of the DRM above (2JY5)
- Comment: The DOI illustration on the use of the DRM is slightly inaccurate. This illustration fails to show that the DRM work can be achieved from either a top-down or bottom-up approach. It also does not convey clearly all that encompasses data element descriptions supporting the structure and meaning of data. This graphic is more current and accurately illustrates how this agency uses the DRM. Respectfully request this illustration be used in the final document. (agency comment / compiled 2004.12.06) (2JY6)
- Ref: Exhibit H: Use of the DRM above (2K2A)
- Comment: Exhibit H seems to indicate that DRM slants toward the use of the UN/CEFACT Core Component Type Specification (CCTS). While CCTS is well-defined and has its advantages, it is one approach. Furthermore, there are some serious shortfalls with the use of CCTS for defining information exchanges, especially for very large organizations. Mandating a CCTS approach will result in a set of core components that are centrally controlled and managed. This will make it extremely difficult to implement exchange packages with any flexibility, since extensions will have to be approved (by whom, UN/CEFACT?) and registered before use. (agency comment / compiled 2004.12.06) (2K2B)
- Ref: Exhibit H: Use of the DRM above (2KGS)
- Comment: This exhibit needs revision. The BRM function related to “Recreation” is called “Recreational Resource Management and Tourism” and “Recreation and Natural Resources” in the BRM. The Diagram does not distinguish properly between Data Property vs. and Data Representation. In the box to the right of Data Property, the properties end with the Data Representation type from ISO 11179 (CODE, TEXT, IDENTIFIER). If the 2 boxes in the lower left are meant to be Data Representations, they should be explicitly tied to the property to which they correspond, such as “RECREATION-ACTIVITY TYPE CODE” for the second box with “Domain” at the top. The data property names use all caps and hyphens, rather than UpperCamelCase which is now more accepted. Furthermore, the XML Schema fragment shown is a poor example because it defines a unnamed xs:complexType (not in accordance with Federal guidelines) which is not reusable. (2KGT)
(agency comment / compiled 2004.12.06) (2KGU)