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Comments (2K0W)
- Ref: Exhibit C: DRM Approach above (2K0X)
- Comment: The DRM needs to add “Business Rule” into the “Data Element” definition outlined above. (2K0Y)
- Suggested Action: The DRM should specify business rules. There are two broad types: data and process business rules. A business rule helps focus and restricts the usage of data and process. These will also help to identify and promote sharing of data and processes. Business rules help ensure that data exchange packets are requested and sent for their intended purpose. (agency comment / compiled 2004.12.06) (2K0Z)
- Ref: Exhibit C: DRM Approach above (2K12)
- Comment: We advise against the use of the term “Super Type” in the “Business Context” frame above, as that term possesses a different connotation in the minds of many data managers. (2K15)
- Suggested Action: A preferable term might be “high level data entity.” (agency comment / compiled 2004.12.06) (2K14)
- Ref: Exhibit C: DRM Approach above (2K37)
- Comment: The definition of "Information Exchange Package" above is written in a manner that is very misleading. It needs to be simplified to read along the lines of "A common set of data exchanged between two units of work - a unit of work being a person, system, group, etc. that produces, consumes or processes data." (agency comment / compiled 2004.12.06) (2K38)
- Ref: Exhibit C: DRM Approach above (2K4O)
- Comment: A subject area is described as something that “Identifies lines of business…”. Super types identify data by how it is used. Thus, the categorization of data is based upon functional organizations and how that data is used. The text “business use” again indicates a functional view or perspective on data. It is also stated that subject areas “represent a high-level set of business functions.” Similarly, while Subject Areas are high level business functions, Super Types are related to “specific business activities and/or processes that support the subject area.” Therefore, it is now explicit – Data will be categorized based upon function. Although perhaps not problematic within a given LOB, the stated primary purpose of the DRM is: “to promote the common identification, use, and appropriate sharing of data/information across the federal government.” The categorization of data along a LOB’s functions, activities, and processes will make it difficult to meet, if not be contrary to, the stated purpose above. (agency comment / compiled 2004.12.06) (2K4P)
- Ref: Exhibit C: DRM Approach above (2KGC)
- Comment: Clarify Data Object, Object Class. Exhibit C uses the term “Data Object” whereas ISO 11179 uses the term “Object Class”. Since an object is really an instance of a class, the model should call this “Object Class” or “Data Object Class.” (agency comment / compiled 2004.12.06) (2KGD)