======================================================================================== (2JXD)
Comments (2JXE)
- Ref: Exhibit B: Outcomes of the DRM above (2JXF)
- Comment:Business Outcomes. The DRM per se does not provide clear data ownership and stewardship or increase efficiency in data storage and access to/retrieval of data. It enables or supports those outcomes. (agency comment / compiled 2004.12.06) (2JXG)
- Ref: Exhibit B: Outcomes of the DRM above (2K0B)
- Comment: The item labeled as “Facilitates electronic registries and repositories for data components” requires further explanation. Is OMB suggesting that each agency establish its own registry or will there be a Federal Registry? (2K0C)
- Suggested Action: To ensure interagency consistency, we would like to see a Federal Registry for data elements and XML tags be established. (agency comment / compiled 2004.12.06) (2K0D)
- Ref: Exhibit B: Outcomes of the DRM above (2K2J)
- Comment: Spell out all acronyms (even in figures). Many will have to look up or guess several, for example, OIRA = Office of Information and Regulatory Affairs, GPEA = Government Paperwork Elimination Act (?), PMA = President's Management Agenda (?). (agency comment / compiled 2004.12.06) (2K2K)
- Ref: Exhibit B: Outcomes of the DRM above (2LT9)