Toward a Unified Data Reference Model: Seeing the Way Forward Together (2QU4)
First Data Reference Model Public Forum and Sixth Quarterly Emerging Technology Components Conference, June 13, 2005, at The MITRE Corporation, McLean, Virginia, MITRE-1 Building Auditorium, 7515 Colshire Drive McLean, VA 22102-7508 Map (2RGB)
Purpose: (2QTM)
- To explore the potentials and realities of creating public information environments that: (2QSL)
- To explore the role and implications of the Data Reference Model for information sharing, re-use, and integration in support of the President?s Management Agenda (2QSO)
- To introduce workshop participants to the build-out process of the Data Reference Model, including candidate use cases (2QSP)
- To explore the range of current principles, definitions and approaches as prelude to evolving credible agreements among diverse communities. (2QSQ)
- To explore the challenge of the transition period: How can implementation profiles and pilots provide the visibility needed to retain the greatest value from infrastructure assets over time while charting a sound course in light of technology obsolescence? (2QSR)
The President's Management Agenda (PMA) requires all Federal agencies to transform the roles and relationships among people, process, and technology in order to become a citizen-centered government. The PMA emphasizes bringing value and results to citizens, businesses, and government workers by "reducing the burden" and producing measurable improvement. (2QSS)
The Federal Enterprise Architecture Reference Models are emerging as an important collaborative organizing process to promote the delivery of effective, efficient services. The Data Reference Model seeks to define the data (including sharing, stewardship and provenance) associated with government services. How do communities learn how to organize around the DRM together? (2QST)
Agenda (2QTN)
8:30 a.m. - Check-in (2QSV)
8:45 a.m. - Welcome SusanTurnbull, GSA, Emerging Technology Subcommittee Co-Chair and Architecture and Infrastructure Committee representative to DRM Working Group (2QSW)
8:50 a.m. - Opening Remarks - Richard Burk, Chief Architect, Office of Management and Budget (2R94)
9:05 a.m. - What We Need: Data Reference Model Process Overview and Invitation to Participate in the FEA DRM Success Strategy - DRM Milestone 1: Moving From Abstract to Concrete, MichaelDaconta, Metadata Program Manager, Metadata Center of Excellence, DHS and Lead, DRM WG (2QSX)
9:45 a.m. - How We?ll Get There: Business Management Strategy, including introduction to Candidate Use Cases - MaryMcCaffery, EPA, and Suzanne Acar, D0I (2QSY)
10:15 a.m. - Break (2QSZ)
10:30 a.m. - How We?ll Get There: FEA DRM Implementation Guide, including introduction to Draft FEA DRM Schema - MichaelDaconta, DHS, AndyHoskinson, OMB FEA PMO Support Contractor, and Joseph Chiusano, DHS Support Contractor (2RCE)
- We are using the DRM Public Forum to manage comments and feedback regarding the draft schema. To comment on this document, please do the following: (2RGM)
- Subscribe to the DRM Public Forum (2RGP)
- Click on one of the Comment? hyperlinks within the Draft FEA DRM Schema to provide feedback on a particular section of the document. (2RGQ)
- Please remember that your comments will be public and on the record. (2RGR)
11:50 p.m. - LUNCH (2QT1)
1:00 p.m. - How to Build Readiness: Advancing Discernment and Value Through Implementation Profiles and Pilots ? BrandNiemann, EPA, Chair, Semantic Interoperabiltiy Community of Practice (SICoP) The State of SICoP and [sicop-forum] Call for Semantic Interoperability Architecture (SIA) Pilots for June 13th DRM Public Forum and Beyond SWANS Conference Proceedings Also see Suggested Roadmap from the FEA to SOA/SIA and [sicop-forum]Exploring the Business Value of Semantic Technology SICOP Module-2 White Paper Status Report as of June 2005 by Mills Davis, Team Lead (2RBV)
15 minutes each for six pilots as follows: (2RBW)
- 1. Building Ontologies and Taxonomies from Unstructured and Semi-structured Information using the Public Domain Databases for Semantic Searching and Ontology Building announced at the SWANS Conference, April 7,2005 FAST Enterprise Search Platform (for structured and unstructured data, advanced XML search, multilingual support and scalability) and ProPublish Publishing/ Content Management (Enterprise Search of Distributed Content Managed with Taxonomies and Ontologies) - BobbieBrowning and ErikFranklin, FAST Presentation (2RBX)
- 2. Networking Ontologies and Taxonomies to Promote Reuse and Integration - SICoP Ontology and Taxonomy Coordinating Working Group (ONTAC WG), PatCassidy, Lead. See Slides 44-46 in The State of SICoP and Many Taxonomies in the Dynamic Knowledge Repository (2RGD)
- 3. The RDF Network Data Model - Presentation Also see: An RDF Data Model for the Semantic Web (5th Oracle Life Sciences User Group Meeting, May 16-17, 2005) Note: Includes Use of Siderean's Seamark Navigation Server HayStack - BioDASH Demonstration. SusieStephens, AliNiazi, and TimothyTaylor, Oracle, RussRuggiero,, AdamHocek, Broadstrokes, Inc., and RexBrooks, Starbourne (2RC1)
- 4. Evolving Data Models & Standards: Collaborating to Achieve Semantic Interoperability ... (from ISO 11179, ebXML Core Components, UBL, HL7, UML ... to UML2/OCL, RDF, OWL, OWL-S, SWRL, SUMO, DOLCE, SCL and other emerging semantic web services technologies and standards) - PeterYim, Co-Convenor of the Ontolog Forum (2RC2)
- Also See Initial Pilot Under 1. Above and Extended Metadata Registry (XMDR) for Complex Semantics, KevinKeck, Lawrence Berkeley Laboratory. Presented at the Open Forum 2005 on Metadata Registries (2RC3)
- 5. Building Composite Applications with Multiple Ontologies, Business Rules, Events, etc. that Reduce the Number of Separate Applications and/or Databases with the Digital Harbor PiiE Platform. Presentation RohitAgarwal and KenSivaraman, Digital Harbor (2RC5)
- Initial Pilot: Semantic Harmonizations of the FEA Performance Reference Model, Performance Assessment Rating Tool and the Exhibit 300 into an Integrated Application for Enterprise Architecture Governance and Accountability (Demonstrating the Value of EA Through "Line of Sight" in Ontology-Driven Information Systems and Linkage to Agency Strategic Plans) FEA 2005 Pilot in the Dynamic Knowledge Repository (2RC6)
- 6. Putting Context to Work: Semantic Keys to Improve Rapid First Response(A Composite?Infrastructure Application with An Event Ontology First Shown at the SWANS Conference, April 7-8, 2005, as ?an end-to-end Semantic Web application.?). Presentation Participating Companies: Broadstrokes, Inc, contact: AdamHocek; MyStateUSA, contact: ClaudiaBitner; Image Matters, contact: MikeAlexander; Starbourne, contact: RexBrooks; and TargusInfo, contact: DavidWin (2RC9)
3:00 p.m. - BREAK (2QTA)
3:15 p.m. - Why It Matters: Reflections on Readiness and Relevance from Institutions and Initiatives Planning Early DRM Adoption: (2QTB)
- National Infrastructure for Community Statistics, An Overview, Marshall DeBerry, FedStats (2QTC)
- Nationwide Health Information Exchange, Capt. Mary Forbes, Federal Health Architecture Program Manager, Department of Health and Human Services (2QTD)
- National Information Exchange Model (NIEM), Jim Feagans, NIEM Program Manager (2QTE)
- National Institute for Standards and Technology, Manufacturing Systems Integration, StevenRay, Division Director (2QTF)
- National Archives and Records Administration, Electronic Records Archive (ERA), Robert Chadduck, Director of Research, ERA, NARA (2RCI)
4:15 p.m. - ADJOURN (2QTH)
Opportunities to Continue Public Dialogue (2RDT)
- Comment on the draft FEA DRM Schema at: (2RDU)
- Participate in upcoming Collaborative Expedition workshops on the DRM: June 28, July 19, August 16, September 23 (2RDX)
- September 14 - Second Quarterly DRM Public Forum (2RCP)
Additional Resources (2RDW)
- - Facilitates discovery of components which may be beneficial to the government and provides a formal channel by which emerging technologies can be evaluated. (2RCK)
- - Networking among Communities of Practice (CoPs) toward High Performance Results across Boundaries. (2RDK)