BIO for Cory Casanave (30EW)
Areas of interest; SOA, Model Driven Architecture, Enterprise Architecture, Knowlage Representaton, Ontologies, Automation of Development Processes, Tooling, Open Source (30EX)
Works For: Model Driven Solution ( (30EY)
Community: - community and open source projects for model driven models, tools, methodologies and infrastructure. (3DKD)
Projects: General Services Administration; OneGSA, OSERA, FMEA (30EZ)
Maintains Wiki Pages (3447)
Contact: Model Driven Solutions 8605 Westwood Center Drive Suite 505 Vienna, VA 22182 Phone: (703) 992-9108 Cell: (703) 362-0300 Email cory-c at my companies domain name. (30F0)